Apparently, in the future Ricken will turn into a tall and strong man

But in the current time, that could totally happen. No, I'm sure it has.

I thought he was supposed to be as tall as small M!Robin???? The other Morgan is as short as small F!Robin, and the portrait is the same...

Coming back now that I know he canonically ripped off his fur to look human, Lingyang nation how are we feeling

IT'S NOT? Lmao this is what I get for picking Spanish as my additional language

I think the pronunciation tricked me then, what language is it?

I relate to both in the worst way. I'm a cynic like Prim, but my brain keeps talking to me in a very "Alfyn" way and warning me to be nice 🫠

Idk much about Luka as a name, but it's true that it definitely isn't French

I think picking French for two things is even more interesting if he's not

Or maybe he's half-half

I guess there's the warp ring to increase jump, but not much to do for speed other than orbs

"what, are airline services reserved for Fat Italians!?"

I played Cereza and the Lost Demon

Then I clicked on a Bayo 1 gameplay expecting it to just be trashy fanservice and I ended up fucking loving it

You're supposed to play her with two nihility characters anyway, so there's that...

Oh there absolutely are. I've seen them, I'm just not familiar enough to remember their names

Good question. Got reddit staff telling me "here's the anti-suicide hotline" twice now

I didn't take a break for the past three years ... I'm Really going through it rn

I really liked him until the third game tried to turn him into the antagonist of Tokyo Mewmew

Ok so, here's a link to my most recent one. If you want more, just go on twt and type "Dante Alto Kris_pspsps" in the search bar and you'll be treated to my madness

And then there's my memes on Instagram but... Those would take a bit to get together

Dante/Alto cuddling sessh 

Is Luka supposed to be French????Lore/Speculation

One of his skills is called Coup the Grâce, his companion quest is "Mo Cuishle"

Idk if there's something else, but like... It really sticks out, and I've been wondering for MONTHS.... Is our redhead a little Frenchman? Lmao, just 4am thoughts

They gave you their better halves

(BEAST readers will understand right away)

Looks good! The colours might be a little too dark to tell apart clearly, but it's not bad