I will respond because we’re talking utter gibberish. Yes, petty street crimes occurs everywhere but people don’t get mugged for $1 in Europe that is the most ludicrously absurd thing I’ve heard in years. They’ll pick pocket your iPhone or wallet if you are very unlucky same as most places, but mugged that would be an exception for a high value item, I’ve certainly never known anybody get mugged here. I travelled all over southern Italy last summer wearing a Rolex Submariner and nobody even looked at it, particularly as so many around me were wearing watches like that too. There is a high standard of living in most of Europe if you think people are getting mugged for $1 or if think most of Europe is unsafe you are smoking crack.

Shut up you clown, I live in the UK and have visited most countries in the Europe. I’m 50 years of age and have been to France alone 27 times. I’ve never heard such a load of nonsense in my life.

Ain’t anywhere in a Europe you’d get mugged for a Swatch either 😂

Ooofff what a shitter! Worthless.

He’ll still need a watch until he buys one though, so take it isn’t it?

I don’t see them updating it but buy it used and save 40% then get yourself the Steel Reef micro adjustable link and you are good to go with the best looking watch around

Absolutely, they know exactly what they are looking for they are professional watch thieves with customers who want the hot Rolex’s, AP’s & PP’s. Watches stolen in London apparently end up in Russia and Dubai mainly. They are not looking for Tudor Rangers or any type of Tudor for that matter, they are not valuable enough to go to jail for and they target customers are coveting them.

What the heck are you talking about, Europe is as safe as anywhere and that is a run of the mill watch he be safe anywhere in Europe wearing that. I live a 90 minute drive from London and have worn my Rolex Submariner all over the Uk, Spain, Italy, Croatia, France and nobody has given it a second look.

Europe is safe you’ll be absolutely fine even in London, Paris and Rome with a Tudor. They are not looking to go to prison for stealing 3k watches, it’s valuable pieces they are looking for.

I didn’t say I’d don’t care how it looks and it looks cool to me. I don’t want an Apple Watch I’ve worn mechanical wristwatches since I was 7 years old and nothing will change that. I can buy what I like and don’t have to justify it to you or anybody else.

The serial number would still likely be on a last & stolen database wherever you took, it when it needed its inevitable service. You sound like a nice piece of work in that you couldn’t care if it was stolen. Goodbye, have a nice life.

What, one of the busiest tourists destinations in the world? I bet it’s extremely difficult for locals, tourists, no chance.

You would when take it for service and Rolex keeps the watch indefinitely because it’s on their lost & stolen list. So you’d lose your 15k and possibly be investigated by the police for handing stolen goods.

More a machine than a robot come off it 😂