How strange. That hasn't been my experience with law enforcement at all. In my community if you call the brave men and women at the local PD, they won't even show up once.

Bury me in my backyard if I have to re-watch this plotline again. Not my favorite from an otherwise fun season.

That's literally exactly what she did. There's absolutely no pleasing some people.

Everybody knows a dead cop means the law has a good chance of actually getting enforced.

Do something we don't like? It's not explicitly in the constitution.

Do something we do like? It's not explicitly forbidden in the constitution.

Well he stopped because the show was over! They landed this stinker romance in the very last episode! And all the romance happens off screen!

Only odd numbered presidents after Reagan.

Or /r/freelancer. Not for the self-employed .... not unless they don't mind a scan of their cargo. :)

"Havent been working" because tbe media says so? Classic manufacture of consent.

It's not about swaying Black voters. It's about creating a permission structure for his supporters who worry about his racism to still vote for him anyway. "he spoke in the Bronx and at a Black church in Detroit!"

They were programmed against 24 in the days when many people didn't have Tivo or similar.

Don't be so hard on yourself she's a brilliant Ph.D. nuclear physicist who had a whole lifetime to understand the problem.

An actual, trained service dog wouldn't be a problem. It's all the assholes who buy fake vests on Amazon pretending to be a person with a disability who ruin the entire system. I don't know what the answer is but it needs to protect the people who actually need the support.

Japanese samurai and white samurai are so cool. But political samurai?? In my video game???