I couldn’t expect anything less from a Nathan Fielder project lol

Haven’t seen this show but now I really want to. Lol

Same with Matt from The Leftovers. He might be a pastor but he’s just a guy dealing with all of the fallout of the sudden departure like everybody else.

MM was my first Zelda game. It gave me this false impression that each game followed Link to a new land he has to save. Which is true for like 4ish games (MM, LA, OoA & OoS) I guess.

Yeah I quit drinking soda regularly in high school, now I'll have like a root beer or Sprite a few times a year but there was a huge drought for like 6 years where I didn't drink it at all.

I like both but definitely prefer Closing Time, although BSS gets stuck in my head a lot more.

PNWS is great for vibes but yeah don’t go expecting a satisfying conclusion. I do thank Tanis for introducing me to Annihilation at least, which quickly became my favorite book.

:K-CLASS-IK: IK-Class Collapse of Global Civilization scenario

Whelp, reading that in bed was a mistake. Really good horror though

:K-CLASS-IK: IK-Class Collapse of Global Civilization scenario

Would not be surprised if it was inspired by the Hinterkaifeck Murders

If you’re a fan of horror, then Bunny by Mona Agwad. I couldn’t stop reading it and when I did have to put it down I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Finished it in a weekend, which I never do.

In the same vain as Milo, I’d love to see Captain Disillusioned or at least his intern Alan on the show.

My brain always gets Jason Swartzman and Jake Jillinhall mixed up for some reason 

I just got this game and I’m loving it but this is definitely my biggest issue. Perhaps because I’m not really a fan of roguelikes (the peggle aspect of this game is even why it even piqued my interest) but runs feels really short. I’d love to see how far I can push a build, maybe have it that after the mines the game puts you into an endless mode that progressively scales enemies but you can’t buy or upgrade anymore.

Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer is a masterclass in slow burn atmospheric horror.

Project Hail Mary covers the sun dimming's effects on the planet

I didn't even know that it was an animal!

Wait a Borne adaptation? That's news me. Fingers cross that they capture the weirdness of Borne then. I feel like it should be easier to adapt for screens than Annihilation since it's less cerebral.

Thus proving my point! Lol. He's just perfect for the role in so many ways.