Happened to a company I worked for. Paid 2 mil for a global license. That didn’t include training, that’s was another mil. Wanted to integrate existing database - 2.5 mil. Allow exporting data through an api, needed a SF engineer to set it up as the platform is pure dog shit. Consultancy charge, global rollouts. Total thing ballooned to 8 mil and it still didn’t do anything that they promised.

Of course the end customer was deeply into the sunk cost fallacy so continued making redundancies to pay for the total clusterfuck.

Edging into the sunset until the inevitable police investigation and seizure of his laptop.

Kier would have won 95% of the vote if he had Simon’s shit haircut.

On average Gooning costs the economy 20 million a day in lost productivity. It’s a tough call but I support it.

He got hypnotised by Jesse’s irresistible femboy body

He had a high fibre diet and assumed everyone else did. The joke was on him when Jimmy came to work after eating 14 eggs for breakfast following a heavy night on the Guinness

Nice of his colleagues to pick him up on the way to work.

Not sure why he popped his tiddler out though

That was a really interesting read. Thank you!

Some kind of underwater race brought to the surface by the repercussions of Red Mountain exploding. They have to wear water helmets to breathe.

They are Lampreys. Apparently delicious, but eating too many of them killed King Henry 1st.

I’m very up for this. What is really like is for Nigel Farage to die in an isnane stunt but no one votes for him because he’s a nasty little racist dickhead

They e also put too many strings on. Disgusting quality control for the price

I was in a band called Octogenarian Genocide - we only had one song called “Kill your grandma”

They should have extended this to all the characters IMO. Bitch wife already had one.

Black Huel

Gay Gus

Disabled Hector

Psycho Tuco


It could work. The characters would have to have grown somewhat but still have the same traits.

Neil would obviously have to be the most successful of the lot, managing a whole region of Asdas.

Smh, this groovehacker forgot his 🧤. How is he planning to get toan??

I don’t think Noah had an inherently punchable face but his smug fucking expression made it so.

Mike had a medical condition so it’s not really fair

Elliot big time when he says “those were some tough Jews”

Ralphie - that wig alone is worth at least one punch