:hawthorn12: Power Rangers

Yeah, it reminds me almost of F1 in 2022 when a technical directive was introduced half way through the season - it actually changed things enough that Red Bull gained a heap of dominance.

There's a chance a change like this influences the season.

:hawthorn12: Power Rangers

It is much more watchable. Keeping the ball alive is great to watch.

:hawthorn12: Power Rangers

Tex will feel right at home

Instagram have always owned the rights to your uploads. It's only logical to assume they're training based on user data.

I reckon you can get good value out of it. Even just playing several hours a week, you can get a great dollar to play time ratio.

Get the PC version so you can potentially get a database update if you don't want to upgrade in a few months.

Claire Williams is waifu material

And Schumacher and Vettel were famously, in very slow cars

CEOs are often masterful networkers. They usually have great sales and negotiation skills, which are useful when interfacing with outside stakeholders.

You also underestimate the importance of someone who can be faced with options and reliably make the right choices. CEOs have to take a bunch of different threads and make them work together. It isn't as easy in practice as it sounds in theory.

AI could probably avoid sinking the ship as CEO, but I doubt it'll ever understand the nuances to a degree that a human can.

My favourite is G-Suite and using shared Google documents. It makes life so much easier, in most cases.

Most of my news reading ends up happening on my phone, and news websites are just awful on mobile. It can be genuinely stressful having a billion different pop-ups come up. The autoplaying video windows that sit in the corner are the worst.

The internet has become a chore to use.

Yeah this happens quite often, I think - sometimes it's not a case of "can", it just isn't practical to actually do.

Honestly I'm surprised more people aren't familiar with the "filming a screen playing CCTV footage" look. So much content is like that.

John Cleese in this show was definitely incredible. The way he executes both the physical and dialogue comedy is perfect.

Feels as though his performance influenced a lot of actors even to this day - he's very much the go-to for any sort of asshole comedy protagonist.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Inattentive is kind of the default but sometimes I have bursts of hyperactivity.

Mount can play where Bruno plays. A midfield trio of Mount, Mainoo, and whatever DM gets picked up would actually be good.

A strong DM and a great CB would be a sizeable upgrade.

He won't be part of the next title season. That alone is reason to consider any offer. 100m could go a very long way to setting the team up longer term.

There are too many positions the team needs to improve on.

This mentality holds the team back. Look at how Madrid will clear out players at just the right time.

Bruno will decline eventually. Getting 100mil+ will be huge for the club, but that figure is only available in the next season or two. He's 30.

That makes sense. Plus, having known a lot of ADHD people, everyone tends to vary. I am sometimes hyperactive, sometimes inattentive.

Claire Williams is waifu material

Lmao I think you hit a nerve with this one.

:hawthorn12: Power Rangers

Yeah one game completely overwrites history.

Surprised I haven't seen this mentioned more. A number of times watching the show, I couldn't help but think about how much she looks like him.

:hawthorn12: Power Rangers

Yeah it's so typical. In the minds of the average Redditor, the Hawthorn coaches are either one dimensionally racist or not at all. The whole thing is a very complex situation, so wanting an easy solution is silly.

:hawthorn12: Power Rangers

The point is, even if they're controlling of other people, it's possible they can be controlling in certain ways to certain players based on racist beliefs.

A racist could potentially focus more on family stuff based off racist assumptions. Which is essentially the accusation - that they assumed these people weren't capable of having a family.

Not saying that's definitely the case, but I think it's worth considering.