I did this when i was younger with my ps2 cases to be fair. You just put in 1 game, put the case away for a while, and then when you lose interest you forget where the case is so just put it in the case of the game you want to play. But now theres 2 discs and only 1 case so you just keep putting them in different cases.

I was a kid though. The people who do this as adults are psychopaths

Most people agree the way they do npc questlines kinda sucks. I dont think they need waypoints dragging you everywhere. But they can do better in a lot of ways without going down that path. More clear hints, or even just a questlog that shows the previous conversations youve had. The game is fucking massive. How will i remember what npc 5 said 30 hours ago when i havent progressed their questline once in that entire timeframe.

Lazy for sure. They can phone it in and still sell 20m copies. Id be lazy too.

Immediately complains on reddit that the fight is overtuned

This has been happening since Demons Souls and its funny every time. They go the wrong way, and instead of taking the hint and going somewhere else, they complain its too hard.

ofcourse Elden Ring grew much bigger than Demons Souls or Dark Souls ever did so the complaints are just much higher in volume now.

Ufotable picked Demon Slayer up just to flex with infinity castle. Everything before this was just a warmup

Completely forgot they were doing Genshin. And somehow every time im reminded im disappointed again

Same here. Until we bullied them into showing Dragon Ball Super Broly. At which point they started airing more anime movies.

Was so confused when i saw him regenerating aswell like damn bro there was no reason to blow yourself up too.

Was a nice surprise to hear it wasnt actually him that did it

I mean he did specifically mention not being there for his wife.

Someone else pointed out that he might not have known about anything Nanahoshi related like how Orsted cant really see Rudys existence. So maybe he assumed Rudy takes the long way and something bad happens before he makes it back.

Something needs to go terribly wrong every season. Sometimes even multiple times per season.

Its almost a guarantee that something will go wrong at this point. Although after all thats happened, maybe we get a bit of a breather cour like S2P1.

Studio Bind doesnt really work on anything else other than Mushoku Tensei.

This means that, with a logical and healthy work pipeline, they absolutely should already be done with pre-production otherwise the animators are just sitting on their ass doing nothing waiting for them to wrap up pre-production.

You want that to flow naturally and not wait around and start from scratch as the season ends. Odds are, its been in full production before the episode even aired.


i cant do this anymore

Hes absolutely one of the easier fights.

Tried multiple builds for shits and giggles. Shield build is by far the easiest. Make sure you get the great rune to get rid of the buff if you cant avoid the grabs with the slow roll and the boss really cant do anything to you. Was kinda fun. Its just stamina management at that point.

Weve pretty much known theyd fully adapt it but the confirmation every time is still nice

I mean, saying “shits gonna be boring” doesnt mean that now cant be a critique.

Yeah but youre forgetting that bringing back entirely new talent trees is a big deal aswell and the next expansion is bringing in hero talent trees.

Theyre still switching things up to some extent. Even if it is reverting their previous fuckup

The unreasonable part is how little is in those dlcs for the price. Cut those prices in half at the very minimum and its looking a lot better