This is the one thing where I'm really sad that changing creative mode to custom mode locks you out of the story. I love making huge bases but I do not have the time nor the patience to gather the resources required to do so. I played through the game twice. Going into new game plus I would like to have my ideal build setup and then just stick with it. But I am certainly not going to sink multiple months into gathering that amount of ash cement.

I would argue that since the xenomorph is born to a queen it's the alien who's the princess, not Ripley.

I think the earliest idea for something like that is over a hundred years old. It was conceptualized at the same time as planes and then scrapped because even then they understood what a shitty idea it was.

This right here. Damned if we do, damned if we don't is basically the slogan of our gender. But this time around I think that works in his favor. Taking this nicegirl out on a date would've been a bad idea anyway.

It truly amazes me that there are people stupid enough to think that changing the color of blood somehow makes anything less graphic.

Wat That's not how any of this works. Put that moron in a cage.

Misery loves company, I suppose

I'm envious of your ability to get back into that clusterfuck. I played for a good bit before planes of eidolon released then stopped for years and when I tried to get back into it I didn't know what to do or prioritize and there were so many new things that were completely unexplained that I simply stopped after one random mission, feeling like I would have to join some group with experienced players who could explain everything to get back into this and understand what the hell is actually going on. Maybe I'm just getting old but warframe is a nightmare for returning players and that's coming from someone who loves path of exile.

Holy shit, I didn't know it was still this bad.

That's not a case of intrusive thoughts, just sheer stupidity.

Ignorance is bliss

Because it's been beaten into their head to see themselves as heroes and the good guys, gods gift to the world. Propaganda and nationalism will do that.

20C? Maybe don't make shit up if you don't actually know the facts.

There's nothing uglier than being unable to sleep and then hearing the first bird sounds in the early hours of the morning, reminding you that another night went to shit.

I can't imagine acting without the ability to visualize. That would make it impossible for me to immerse myself into the scene.

I mean sure, making fun of the situation is kinda what you have to do, but come on man. If a dude were to talk about his wife's body like this he'd be called out as disgusting. This woman deserved to be called out and then thrown out. Double standards everywhere.

You don't. If it didnt hurt, the relationship wouldn't have meant anything, so you experience the pain for all it's worth because it's just as important as the pleasant feelings. The things that hurt teach us to appreciate the things that don't. It will become easier over time, I promise. But for now just accept it.

That's how you found out? Not because your platform is the most broken mess to ever call itself app? Do you have any idea how many issues reddit has and awards is what tipped you off?

Racism is not the same thing as systematic racism.

Also, Oppression against an individual can be done by anyone holding power over that individual and if you think that no women hold power over men then you don't talk to many people.

Aaand we're back to aggression. And of course telling you that you missed the topic means you have to resort to accusing me of misogyny. What am I supposed to add substance to? If you mean the general topic, then I did that in my own reply. Why would I do that while I criticize you trying to change the subject? And it's not like I said anything negative about women as a whole. I assured you that the thing you called bullshit is real because I saw it happen and that's it. So let me be clear that we are still fucking talking for only one reason: Because you tried to change the subject and didn't like me pointing that out. That's the whole deal. Your aggression, your accusations, all this dumb shit is the result of you not getting that we are currently not talking about women but about the kind of shit that happens to dudes. Which is really not a hard concept to grasp, if you stop to think about it. But then again, you are the kind of person to just make accusations based on feelings, because you have tried to shoehorn me into the anti-women-camp for the second time now with no good reason while calling me transparent and insisting that I'm trying to high road you which is funny given your behavior. I simply stay factual and on topic. You resort to ad hominem attacks because that's all you have left.

Once again doesn't change anything about the point I just made. But if you don't like it, feel free to stop replying.

See there we have a proper answer buried under all the other stuff. You think that the "You only love me for what I provide" thing is bullshit that women have to deal with. That's your angle on the expectations that are being put on men. And that is what I am criticizing. Because expectations that are being put on men are not something that's happening to women. It's happening to men and you might call it bullshit but I've spoken to women who dismissed men as potential romantic partners because they weren't on the correct income range despite not making a single penny themselves. The kind that opens with "I'm expensive", meaning "You pay, otherwise I'm gone." Do you think the term gold digger was coined for no reason?

So with all of that in mind I am telling that you are not providing perspective because the general topic is currently dealing with the male experience and it should be possible to discuss that without someone bringing up the female experience immediately while dismissing the former one as bullshit. It's not a different way of looking at it, it's looking at something else entirely and even ignoring what is actually being spoken about.

Or to put it more simply: You missed the topic by a mile and wonder why I'm telling you to discuss the one that you brought up somewhere else.