It feels like you're just telling me you wish evil people were more competent. Self-serving ghouls being better at being self-serving ghouls isn't the solution.

The system is rigged against us, designed to benefit the powerful and the expense of everyone else. It's got fuck all to do with the age of politicians. Young politicians will still be working within that rigged system, getting rich from it, taking bribes within it, gerrymandering it, etc, etc, etc.

It's not age. None of our problems... literally not a single one... is the result of politicians being old. Old voters, maybe, though I think it's pretty silly to think none of these people care about the world they leave for their children as opposed to actually believing climate change isn't real, etc, etc... nevermind the fact that there are millions of conservatives of every age and they all believe the same bullshit. But regardless, our polticians are the result of a million other more important things than their age.

It's frustrating to see so many people complain about it. It's almost meaningless.

Regardless of corruption, a cop has always been able to arrest you for whatever they want, and if they do, you're not allowed to resist. What's supposed to happen is their actions are reviewed, and if they behaved poorly, they're reprimanded appropriately and the victim compensated. Wrongful arrest is a thing.

The part I put in bold is the part that doesn't happen, though, so cops have no real fear of doing whatever they want. It's got nothing to do with SCOTUS though.

Yet. Don't flip your shit because investigators are investigating. They'll all be charged.


Reddit. You little fucking children. This is fabricated.

Yeah, nobody cares about their kids, and young conservatives are totally ready to address climate change.

Bullshit. Seriously, it's a red herring.

So, you think Biden wouldn't be enacting the exact same policies, which are much more progressive than Obama (who was much younger) if Biden himself was younger?

Like yeah, Biden had a cold, had a bad debate. Sucked. He's still the most progressive president in US history by a pretty significant margin (maybe Teddy Roosevelt excluded?)

You think Rupert Murdoch wouldn't be the exact same asshole if he was 40 years younger?

Then it would just be in the hands of young, self-serving ghouls. Age is such a red herring.

It’s the older world leaders and influential peoples brain rot.

Can I ask what you mean by this?

lmao, what's that "Jyst" in the corner? Someone wanting to watermark their screenshot of someone else's comment?

It absolutely would result in democrats losing every contested election, including the presidency. It would be political suicide to do as you suggest.

Democratic voters would never tolerate that.

Dems would face political consequences from that because their constituents wouldn't tolerate that.

It's not illegal to do so, and arguably clearly wasn't before this ruling. Doing so wouldn't put him in prison regardless.

He would be impeached, the impeachment would be successful, and he would be removed from office. That's the way it's supposed to work.

I will keep saying it. Biden has been the best Democratic president since JFK. Outside of navigating the Cuban Missile Crisis, I think we're going back to fucking FDR to find a better president (and yes, I know FDR was up to some problematic shit, to put it lightly).

All people do is bitch about Biden being old, but the man has kicked ass, and way more ass than a much much younger Obama (who was one of the youngest presidents and one of the least effective).

I will enthusiastically vote for Joe Biden in November and y'all should do the same.

It's not a 100% consensus but it's still pretty widely accepted. It's effectively a consensus.

Dude over here discovering "tragedy" is a thing.

This is fake. No chance they answer the door under these circumstances.

I wish "corporate sponsors" was the problem here, because corporations don't have a lot to gain from the Project 2025 shit. No, I think these guys are true believers, which gives us a choice between fanatical fascists and corporate shills, and the latter is less scary.

Tipping annoys me because it undercuts an employees pay

We make more with tips than we would with a regular wage. I'm not sure I should be making $35/hr while the cooks are making $15, but tipping definitely benefits the tipped staff more than a wage does.

Like, if you really care about the workers, you should support this system. Nobody that gets primarily tips would rather get a regular wage.

Buggy, absolutely awful story, unbalanced af, ugly and repetitive... I mean, basically the same problem of every Bethesda game.

Please stop pretending paying employees is what you care about when it's actually must being annoyed with tipping.