No, I love metal talk. We haven’t had a good “supergroup” come forward in a while.

I get off at 3:30, so I usually head by the grocery store because I’m never responsible enough to make a weekly trip. I’ll pick up dinner and head home. Husband gets off at 5, I usually have about an hour to myself before he gets home so I use that hour to start prepping dinner and I pick up around the house. Or sometimes I’m lazy and will sit on the couch and doom scroll until he gets home. Once he’s home we usually talk for a while about each others day. Then I’ll get up about 5:45-6 and start dinner while he’s watching tv. We eat, do dishes and then watch a few shows together or scroll. Sometimes we go game in our office on our pc’s. And then about 9:30-10 were fighting to keep our eyes open. Just to wake up and do it all over again!

Does Avatar remind anybody else of HELLYEAH? They always sounds so similar to me

Actually used it this morning to get some social media ideas for my small business. So many great ideas.

How sweet, I had probably the first few season on DVD and I remember getting a tv that had the built in DVD player in it and watching them as I would fall asleep as a teenager. I’d always wake up when it went to the Home Screen and play the theme song over and over. I also miss those times.

The nostalgia, I grew up watching the show so to say it’s my comfort show is an understatement

I did it for the greater good of the covenant. My debts have been paid(I got a dirty look from a man sitting next to me)

Unfortunately no, my clean laundry has been riding my dining room table for about a week now. I’m just lazy I don’t know what else to say lol

Pazuzu Algarad, I went to school from middle to high school with Amber Burch, his girlfriend. I was always friendly with her cause she was a little different, little did I know just how different she was.

Actually I’m the result of my parents separation and then my Dad needing to borrow my Mom’s vehicle and then him wrecking it while borrowing it, then my Mom going to “collect” the insurance check.

I go through bursts where I’ll do it a few days in a row and then I won’t do it for sometimes weeks? I don’t know, I am pretty satisfied by my Husband lol

Sushi, like an ungodly amount of sushi. My Mom’s vegetable beef soup with crusty bread. Totino’s pizza rolls with a glass of chocolate milk. Ruffles wavy plain potato chips, Fritos jalapeño cheddar dip and Budding turkey meat in the package. An entire box of brown cow ice cream bars.

Damn, I hit 30 and the exact same thing happened to me. Instead of letting the fear consume me, because your mind is kinda scary when it comes to being able to manifest things within your body(look it up). I needed some control. I got my act together in the kitchen first. I started eating what my body needed rather than what my brain was telling my body it wanted. After about 3 weeks I started noticing a significant difference. Not only did my body start feeling different, TMI, my bowel movements started changing. I started working out, and not crazy workouts, like literally just walking for an hour a day and some light lifting. 2 weeks after that being consistent, when I tell you I felt unstoppable. After about 3 months and 30IBS down I felt like a new human being. I woke up and wanted to be awake, the feelings of “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but something is wrong,” stopped. I didn’t wake up and feel like my body was failing me anymore.

I can pick almost anything up with my toes. I once picked up a sewing needle and my Husband literally looked at me and said “how in the hell?!?”

You’re so very welcome! Also I said I don’t drain anything, I DO drain the stewed tomatoes. All the beans have a thick liquid, the tomatoes don’t. Drain the tomatoes!

Absolutely! I brown my hamburger in the big pot I use. After it’s browned I add all my canned goods. I use red kidney beans, regular kidney beans, chili beans not draining anything and the canned stewed diced tomatoes. I use as many cans as I think the pot will hold. After all that I get my spices out, that includes a store bought package of chili seasoning(any brand). After I add 2 packets of the chili seasoning, I add salt, pepper and little old bay seasoning and sugar all measured by love. I wish I had exact measurements but I just do everything until that little voice says stop. Sometimes I add onions if I want, sometimes I don’t. But that’s about it. The secret is letting it sit and cook on low or until it’s lightly simmering for a few hours. I hope this is it!

I also do that with my chili, sugar and all. You’re right, it makes the best damn chili!

When my Grandfather died at 72 from lung cancer and at his viewing my Great Grandmother, his Mother who was in her 90’s was taken up to the casket and she didn’t recognize him. Whoever was helping her was reassuring her it was in fact him in the casket she made this lurching noise and screamed “That’s not my John!” In this confused sad, half-crying way. She was quickly taken away from the casket, but I just remember them holding her up and her hysterically crying. She was so frail and so old, yet she had to see her child in the casket, and then not recognizing him and someone bringing that realization back to you. It’s been over 20 years and I can still see it.

I went to our local technical college after high school. I came out of classes one day and went to get into my car, putting my book bag in the trunk and I see one of the people that work the grounds on a zero turn but with the deck up and coming across the parking lot. They come past me and then I see him turn back around and pull up behind me while I’m still in my trunk. He tells me my back tire looks a little “funny” and I know he’s talking about the tire I had that would always need air and I knew it needed to be replaced but I was a broke college kid and I was “trying” to be independent even though my parents kept insisting they help me. I told him I’d have it checked and thank you and I went on my way. Maybe 2 days later and sure enough I came out and my tire was completely flat. I called my Dad and he said he was on his way but we lived about 25 minutes away and I was just kinda leaning on my car and guess who just happens to be weed eating outside the building my classes were in? We made eye contact and because he was also the most attractive man I had ever seen, I really had the puppy dog eyes going. All I remember is the little smirk I saw from across the parking lot and the rest is history. By the time my Dad arrived I had my spare tire put on and a date for that Saturday night. We’ve been together 13 years and still completely obsessed with each other like it was day 1.

Oh no, I 100% mean if they start it. My favorite saying is fuck around and find out, but they would have to fuck around first

This sounds like a one way trip to divorce to me. Not just the lack of sex part, it seems like she has a complete unwillingness to even communicate. Seems like she has made her mind up and you either go along with it or shut up, which isn’t fair to you. 45 is not old, but I mean it could be menopause, but she seems unwilling to even discuss that? Hoping you can find the root cause, and that she’s willing to have a conversation about it.

I’m 33 and neither do I and I love that for us! There is no time frame for ANYTHING! We’re on a giant floating rock out in space, the rules are pointless! Enjoy your not knowing, truly be in it. When you let go of the fear, isn’t it kinda exciting not knowing, the possibilities when you don’t know are endless!