I've been doing this mostly as a hobby, so I can afford the instruments I want. I just lurk on my countries version of fb marketplace and find people selling them for cheap, usually people who are moving away, then repair (if needed), clean them up, replace strings and give a setup. I was also teaching the freshies in my university how to play, and would sell the instruments to them at a good price. Usually the profits are between $200-400 per instrument.

My dude, you're 20 and still making a fuss like this? From the post I thought you were still a teenager.

What's wrong with doing laundry once you've gotten there or bringing your own set of bedding from Singapore when you go visit? For the record, you CAN wash the insides of a pillow, and a lot of them can even just go straight into the washing machine.

Your parents are correct in that it's their house, and if they are close with their friends, I don't see any reason not to let guests use an otherwise empty house given they keep pretty much everything in decent condition when they leave. You shouldn't expect your parents to wash your bedding or lock it up when you're the one who's making a fuss about this issue.

I had one of these some time back and it was beautiful and crazy light, but for some reason I just didn't really vibe with the thin neck. Sold it to a friend of mine.

Agree that it's definitely part of the older RBX series, I had an RBX270 that looked like this. Could you get more pictures of it? Usually the model number is on the back of the headstock if I recall.

I haven't tried this bass myself, but have only heard good things about harley benton. That said, I would look into whether this particular type of bass is what you want, since it has it's own kind of sound that may not go with all types of music.

I love my G502. Before that I had a roccat and steelseries mouse, each of which died after about a year of use. The G502 I currently have has lasted me since 2016 and still works well, aside from the rubber wearing down around the thumb, and it's been absolutely everywhere with me. I guess when it dies I'll buy the wireless one.

That thing looks awesome, I want one too now. What does it sound like though?

My beginner instrument was the Yamaha TRX174. It's fine for a beginner, but I very quickly moved onto another instrument because I wanted a different sound. Haven't tried that specific cort myself, but the lower end one's I've tried felt around the same as the Yamaha.

You can't really go wrong with either choice, if you can just get the instrument into your hands and see which one feels better to play.

Yep, his 2 main guitars are a fender strat and his lava me. He mentioned he was planning to get the newer model of the lava me guitar since it has features his current one doesn't have.

It was my dream bass too, and I managed to snag an EBMM at a lower price than a brand new Sterling ray34. That thing is my baby, it plays so well and feels great in my hands.

I'm Singaporean - Depending on which field you're in, it's currently very difficult to obtain an employment pass in Singapore because of the state of the job market. For some white collar jobs (eg. engineering), you will get paid much more in western countries than in Singapore, unless you are already quite high up in an MNC. Income taxes are much lower compared to western counterparts, but rent is high at the moment too.

Policies are also generally employer-oriented with not much support from the goverment, especially if you aren't local. Additionally, it's fairly conservative, but it looks like this may change as the younger generation fights for more open policies.

Dang, the guitarist in my band has one of these and he's banged it up doing nonsense and knocked it down off walls/stands multiple times and it only recently formed a crack. Wonder how this happened.

Considering that there are a bunch of kids/teenagers on AITA I'm not really surprised, could just be kids who think that their parents can't have their own lives outside of family and shouldn't "force" anything on their children. Lol.

Jeez OP needs to add this to the post, makes him sohnd even more like a lowlife than he already is in the BORU post. Luckily she was able to recognise how much of a red flag he was and get out.

If you're lucky (and this is a very big if), you may be able to bring it on board and put it inside the flight attendant compartments. If you don't have a hard case to check it in with, your other two options are buying an extra seat for the bass, or disassembling the neck from the body and putting them into your check in luggage/putting the body in check in luggage and only carrying the neck into the cabin.

You still have to get lucky with the QC though. I bought a cheap 2nd hand Squier and Fender MIM bass on seperate occasions to mod and the MIM was built miles better than the Squier, but yeah I've definitely tried some new ones at the store that played just as well as the mexican basses.

£40 is pretty cheap even for just parts and to try out. As long as it makes a sound I wouldn't mind putting a small amount of money into trying it out.

No idea what the bass is though.

Could be the DR Neon strings? Not sure about the XL though.

I agree when switching between the same type of filament, but occasionally when I switch between a higher temp filament and PLA I end up with burnt PLA marks on my print, so I tend to do a cold pull when I notice those. Otherwise yeah I just let it extrude for a bit, I think changing the nozzle is excessive.

With the limited information given it's a little hard to advise, but assuming it's a fairly small print maybe just try printing with a hotter build plate temperature and wait for it to cool before removing it from the bed? Otherwise look into an enclosure.

That seems a little excessive, I get that they're cheap but isn't it a hassle to keep switching the nozzles too? Why not just perform a cold pull instead?

Oh man. I started on one of those as a hand me down too, and it had so many problems and printed so slowly. Happy to say that after a year or so of trying with that printer I went and bought a prusa mk3s+, been happy with it ever since. Good thing is, repairing that printer so many time kind of teaches you more about how they work vs. a plug and play printer like a bambu.