Not your body. You love her for her hair or how she treats you and enriches your life? I'm sure there's plenty of shit about you that she thinks man that's not my favorite but she doesn't say anything to you. I suggest you shut it and she continues to wear her hear how she pleases.

The most you should say is maybe it's not your favorite style, but if it makes her happy then you're on board with what makes her comfortable.

It's because they know the hurdles to losing weight and getting healthy. It's not just the work but also the stares the judgment . But it's your dedication and your determination. The final result doesn't need to be reached to be inspired friend. The journey is what inspires more because of resiliency and perseverance.

Same, was at home during a break in as a latch key 12 yo. Luckily I scared the shit out of the dude (lucky for me actually because typically scaring intruders that didn't think you're home is how robbery escalates to getting hurt or killed), and he stuck around for like a minute asking me if I was sure this wasn't the Jones' house then ran out and they tore off down the half mile driveway. He and his friend had backed up to the porch thinking we weren't home because I was supposed to be in school but missed my bus.

I'd much rather have my place locked at night while I'm sleeping and obviously have a dog of my own now.

Home. My stuff can be replaced. My children cannot. If we are sleeping I'd rather have the locks while we're home. I know it doesn't mean they can't break in, but I choose the delay of locks over none. Although I have a Great Dane so this question is pointless because nobody's breaking in when they see him or hear his bark.

That's exactly why they back him because they're like him, justifying their own illegal and immoral actions. They're not wrong. It can happen to any of them. The real secret is its ALL of them. They're all the same, just different degrees of dismissive to the American peoples needs in favor of their own bs.

Saaaaaame. I hate it. And I'm not doing it. Oh so and so 🤮 I can't do it.

Easily Happy Birthday then spend all day any time you need money at a party place. Now for big time money with this I'm gonna have to think some more.

Well your condescension is incorrect and tells me if you are in the dispatch field you need some perspective and a fucking attitude adjustment.

This situation does use critical thinking (which is absolutely trainable) and not "common sense" to answer properly. Most people who aren't trained don't understand scene safety is paramount because of the ability to continue to render aid safely. Most people would jump to help known victim undergoing a potentially lethal situation first and take the unknown yet being handled by an officer one second, but in this scenario the one known situation involves one person. The unknown coupled with all of our training regarding procedure and scene safety means something is likely much more devastating with potential to escalate or already has involving multiple victims or scenarios.

Take that attitude and fix it so you can be helpful to other entering the field.

You'd actually be surprised at how many people refuse treatment for bigoted reasons.

As an EMT, I'd roll my eyes, make sure they have capacity to consent to refuse, and say mkay cupcake sign this refusal for treatment. Bye now have fun dying!

He doesn't even like you. I hold doors for literal strangers. What's his excuse? And then you're repeatedly dismissed when your concerns are brought up? Come on. You know what you need to do here. You know, and that's why you're not attracted to him. There's nothing wrong with you. You don't want to keep giving and giving and him taking and taking with you getting nothing in return. Being turned off by that is NORMAL.

Your needs aren't being met. Find someone who doesn't complain or think you wanting to feel appreciated and cherished is too much. I PROMISE what he won't do for you someone else will. Stop holding on to who he pretended to be to get you and value and love yourself enough to walk away when a relationship is so clearly not serving you with such an unbalanced dynamic.

File for sole custody with visitation and reference that he likely has zero idea how to care for your son. Does he even know his pediatrician? You're primary care taker. Show all the ways, with your son's diagnosed condition, that routine is important. Show who takes him to appointments, and all of the other things that your husband does not do including the amount of time he spends with him and does do anything care taking. Reference all other times where his decision making was not in the best interest of your son and his conditions. It's doable. Get a good attorney.

But he's not parenting as a team is he? The therapist said he's making his anxiety worse. A TEAM would take this important insight on board and work together to figure out the best ways to mitigate their son's anxiety. What he's REALLY saying is you're not bending to his will and his thoughts on how parenting should go. He clearly doesn't value the input of anybody else. So to him, your lack of submission to his authority equals not being a "team player".

It's about him and his own need for control, his own continued willful ignorance of his son's conditions, and his prioritization of himself over everyone else, including your son.

I'd lose by absolute fucking shit on him. I'd ask MIL or someone to watch son for a bit and then I'd lose my fucking shit. I'd ask him does he want to be a good father to his kid or does he want to prioritize himself? I'd ask him why we mean so little to him that he thinks it appropriate to ruin his son's day because he can't manage his own fucking anger. I'd ask him if he wants a life with me because I'm not going to stand by and allow this treatment of myself or our son and he'd better goddamn fix himself, or he'll be alone.

Of course he won't be receptive to any of that sprinkled in with the absolute choice words I would use, so maybe sit him down if he's normally a good dad and tell him you guys need to go to counseling because he clearly needs to work through something. He allowed his anger to ruin his kid's day for no reason when that could have been addressed later. Ask him why he thinks that's appropriate when most (rational and emotionally mature) adults would just address it later and have fun with their kid?

Don't let him think this behavior is acceptable and that you'll stick around to let it continue to harm your child.

Ok disregard my comment prior stating you guys should seek counseling and work on this. This man is not it. You are not compatible. He's manipulative, controlling, and ridiculous. He can't regulate himself so he tries to assign you to manage his emotions, and when he's not with you he's trying to control and make you feel bad about normal behavior. OP love yourself enough to walk away and find someone who loves you as you are and accepts the attention you need in a relationship. You're incompatible, and he's an asshole.

She said herself this is a constant argument, and he expects her to read his mind. If he became agitated it's his responsibility to convey that to her in a compassionate and informative way. You don't speak to people you care about like this, chastising them like a toddler for having different needs than you and taking you at your word. He's wholly and entirely in the wrong here, and it's clear she's walking on egg shells trying to fix it.

To be clear, he's not wrong for needing space. He IS wrong for not communicating that respectfully and degrading his gf as if she should just know.

Why tf are you putting up with this? Please value yourself and tell him he either communicates his needs clearly AND KINDLY or you're done because you're not a mind reader nor shouldn't you believe the words he's telling you. He needs to say what he means and mean what he says. This guy seems to really only consider himself because even his communication is selfish and derogatory. He sounds exhausting expecting you to be clairvoyant, managing his emotions and setting boundaries for him. Ask him does he want a mommy or a partner?

Edited: somebody commented that you said when he's asked for space in the past you get upset about it. What does this being upset look like? Because you can't both expect him to express his needs and then be mad at him if he does. That might have created this particular situation, but if this is a constant thing between you, it's quite obvious you're incompatible as your attachment styles are vastly different and it doesn't seem your communication styles match either. So, without couples therapy and some intense work on communication and respect between the two of you, you're wholly incompatible, and this relationship will continue to build resentment in one or both of you.

Yeah so I'm guessing this man is in and out of his life, not a stable person, very self-centered, Machiavellian most likely, and really just quite stupid huh. Poor kid, it's obvious he loves his dad but this relationship has always fallen short not by any fault of your kid.

Umm excuse me what did you say?? That's me lol We can misunderstand each other together.

OP if you're anywhere near me I'll come and stand as support on your brothers side!! I can be a great auntie!! Fuck all the family that can't see past themselves to support your brother. DM me if you want me and some friends to take a road trip to show up for your bro if it's possible! I'm a woman in her 40s, and I got some friends I think would love to support him :) depending where you are I could probably rally local friends to come support him marrying his love!

I'm so sorry your families aren't showing but please tell him he should shine no matter if they try to dim his light and go marry that man he adores! There are all kinds of people sending him love though I'm sure that doesn't take away the pain. It's gonna be a beautiful celebration, regardless!

What fucking planet are some of you from where mocking a gift given is in any way appropriate?? If he didn't like them as his girlfriend might have known all he had to do was say thanks and then not wear them or quietly regift or donate them somewhere she wouldn't find out. Girlfriend could have talked to her mom about how the gift wasn't really his style but they appreciated the thought to get him dress shoes.

There are courteous ways to accept gifts when you know the person means no harm but is just maybe not the best gift giver. It's a gift. Now if OP talked to her mom and this is a repeated thing where she gives him things he doesn't like then I can understand some frustration with that, but even at that the family openly mocking her mother's gift in front of her? Come tf on. It's easy to respectfully set boundaries if this is a pattern of dismissal from somebody in their gift giving, and there's a way to graciously accept things that aren't your style, dispose of discreetly, and move on in life without hurting a well intentioned person's feelings.

Or at least fucking wait until the girlfriend wasn't around to mock as an entire family jfc

You don't see how mocking, not just one person his family mocking, the gift her mother got him is rude?? Really and truly?

These people vote. I . . .I'm so done. And tired.

He knows it hurts you, that's the point. And you staying and taking it means he respects you less and less and it will escalate. Why stay with someone you have to beg basic human decency from?