Divorcing Al HusbandSupport

I am finally divorcing my alcoholic husband after 11 excruciating years. I tried love and it won’t work. He is also a narcissist. He wrote me a big sappy love letter about how he would do anything to stay together. When I stood my ground (and admitted I had a drink today with a male coworker), he informed me his rich aunt offered to pay for an attorney for him. I offered him a fair deal, $600 child support, joint custody, and half the sale of the house, should I sell it. Apparently he was so hurt, he has vowed to counter my separation agreement. So, I now have to lawyer up and get a divorce right away. Oh, also, he won’t leave the house. He claims he is sober (1 week) and has totally changed. I have now realized he only feels good when he is hurting me. Any similar experiences?


Oh you’re a laugh riot. I bet everyone at the kids’ table shoots milk out their noses.

Will ink and mineral oil separate?

I added Windsor Newton ink in droplets to mineral oil in a glass tube. I shook one up and it appeared completely black. Will they eventually separate again? I want a lava lamp effect.


The Louvre, Paris in general. Europe in general. The Stadtmuseum Stuttgart. San Francisco. Spain. Italy. Austria. Switzerland. Africa. Holland.

Never been to Asia or Australia. Never been to Mexico or the Bahamas. Never been to New York.

Wish I’d never been to Florida and Alabama.

I’m sorry but that made me laugh. Like that awful, nervous “I definitely should not laugh at this” laugh. I wonder where he got his license!

She’s a horrible gold digger. Don’t, for a second, think she’s not ambitious.

I will bet you it’s no air conditioning.

And no “death tax” so pass it on to your rotten, privileged kids. Oh, and legacy admissions ensure if they want to go to an Ivy League, they can. It’s worse than paying off student loans, which I got and personally, am thrilled about. No way could I have afforded it.

It sounds to me like you’re over-applying. And no, I’m not blaming you. The best strategy is to write a few variations of your resume to fit a few similar jobs. Hey, remember when Ivanka said if you don’t like your job, just pivot? Wasn’t that sound advice? Hope you find something soon. Fingers crossed.

Coworkers aren’t your friends. I never put them on my SM and I don’t hang out unless work event.

My ancestors are actually Norwegian—and I have the 23andMe report to prove it. What WAS funny is I’ve been told my red hair is because we are English and Welsh.

I have no Welsh ancestry. Lotttts of Irish. I guess they were trying to disown the Irish? Whatever. And this is my whole life I believed it until I spit in a tube.

Single issue voters are just as annoying as those who say “both sides are the same.” Now we have, “I am going to knee jerk vote based on one issue and I have 0 knowledge of how Trump gave Netanyahu a reacharound.”

Horizon is straight too. Surprising how many people don’t notice in composition when it’s tilted.

I think they’re holding that Kia Rio together like scotch tape.