People themselves get their opinion besides ones that comment it on twitter and other socials

Bombing in anyway doesn’t minimize casualties. They have massacred many times they have taken hostages too. So that’s why Hamas also needs to fight back. The difference here is one has US support getting billions of dollars every year. And the others have to live hidden. They don’t have access to helicopters and bombs that way a ton. Oct 7 is a response for things such as the Nakba a massacre killing 40,000 Palestinians destroying 5,000 villages. And had many war crimes in it. And will they even pay to repair Gaza after.

Even children have barely any respect for them. Some have no issue with beating others just like the IDF soldiers throwing a stun grenade on an 11 year old. Yes they love their kids but why would they send them to Gaza to fight. They are kids.

Yea you haven’t seen all the videos of Israelis abusing Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza. You haven’t seen that message of an Israeli spokesman tweet give them hell. That’s genocidal intent. And yes you could say some Palestinians would want the same out of the hate of over 2M displaced refugees camps and safe zones getting bombed. A lot of Israelis hate their own prime minister for not accepting taking all the hostages back for 5 day ceasefire so you talking about Hamas should have just gave them back to Israeli he gave him the offer. And Israeli still have 5,000 Palestinians hostages. Not prisoners no they get abused video of them doing it all.

No IDF admitting to how much Palestinians they killed.

Obviously not all a lot are from Israel themselves admitting they killed an amount of people there’s ways they add it all up that’s the number.

Not everyone is in one place and so if you go to the refugee camp they say he’s in you can definitely have chances of seeing where he goes what happens but just bombing is killing innocent. In which they said they would minimize casualties this is way to do that. Bombing in general is never a good way to minimize casualties. And casualties aren’t needed if you’re smart enough to not have war where your civilians are.

What about all those who aren’t Hamas that go into Hamas to help. Journalists are a thing and doctors there’s witnesses everywhere. But you seem to have. No real reason just excuses. Plus other areas such as New York time take the information from these people that work in there and got numbers 35k-38k.

They knew they would have killed innocent yet still bombed that’s intentional they should have sent soldiers to them to take care of it. And they are in action form ethnicity cleansing Gaza open your mind.

These aren’t terrorists making the rules these are investigating that took place and this is what they discovered. Only 800 innocent were killed that day and 400 IDF soldiers where did you get 200 extra from. I am saying Hamas responds with that when they have been bombed attacked abused and dehumanized.

Once again if there civilians in there you don’t bomb it cause than it be their fault for their deaths. They have soldiers they could have sent in to get him but they were ignorant and chose to kill and destroy instead. If he’s killing soldiers that occupy and abuse Palestinians I see that more as retaliation. And how is Hamas the only that needs to return hostages there’s 5,000 Palestinians hostages that were forcibly taken. And videos of Israelis abusing and holding Palestinians hostages. And IDF shouldn’t be bombing knowing they will use them as human shields. If they know and still do it then the strategy shouldn’t be bombing that’s not trying to minimize casualties. Got a question do you condemn Israelis occupation and illegal settlements.

He continues it that’s the problem. With more money they build more settlements and buy more bombs and weapons expanding arsenal. And they never use these for good. They have occupied West Bank and they see Palestinians quote from Israeli government “Palestinians animals.” These are war crimes yet they let it slide.

Even a kid could read it but I’ll summarize it a bit more. Maybe try harder.

Yes it was wrong for them to occupy, but they stopped. And I don’t see how any of this fits into the conversation. Israelis don’t seem to want to stop their occupation cause they are building settlements and slowing taking land which is a war crime. And they also act as if Palestinians are worthless dust. And have been shown of videos themselves taking the video abusing them.

I don’t see how this fits in anything since that way back then. Right now the one occupying West Bank and building settlements isn’t Jordan it’s Israelis. Yes it wasn’t right of them to occupy but in the end they stop occupying. But Israelis aren’t looking forwards on stopping with building settlements and acting as if Palestinians are dust.

Then why does the IDF call it that. What they want them to go there so Hamas goes there and they have an excuse to bomb it like the rest. It’s just like Oct 7 prime minister knew it was going to happen and some coincidence where was no security that day.

They are the reason Israelis have all these bombs giving billions of money every year. And if they did they know what fate will come upon them by killing all.

Both sides killed intentionally and both took hostages.

Hamas isn’t bombing themselves Israelis are so how is it Hamas a big role. And yes again they had intention just like you said to kill civilians. They intentionally bomb and that’s genocide right there.

Hamas wants that not all Palestinians want that. And y’all lack respect for Palestinians life than Israeli life when Israelis are also proud to destroy all Palestinians