Sister E is her bio child. When we went home for the funeral she gave us ā€œcopiesā€ of her will, we get the proceeds from sale of the house, but only after her bio grand moves out - they get to live there indefinitely. Everything from my father was thrown out or given away to her family, pictures were tossed in the trash.

I rest easier knowing that there wonā€™t be anyone around to take care of her because Karma will do its job.

Oh, and yes, Iā€™ve been to that subreddit. Thank you for hearing me, it helps.

My (step)mother always had time for us girls, but when my father died last year, all of a sudden she is ā€œtoo busyā€ with doctor appointments and such. Iā€™m less than two hours away and wanted to see her over Memorial Day weekend. ā€œOh, Iā€™m going over to (sister Eā€™s) house. Iā€™ll be there all weekend.ā€ She knows I wanted to see her.

Itā€™s the final straw for me. Iā€™m broken and done. Iā€™m struggling, but still treading water. She admitted she was abusive to me, itā€™s taken me 55 years to finally start not caring.

Dewey, you look so happy! Keep doing what youā€™re what youā€™re doing, cuz itā€™s working! Iā€™ll keep you in my prayers! Go forth and conquer, my friend!

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever eat a chicken sandwich ever again. šŸ¤¢

Praise to the All-maker that you are here. Iā€™m sure Momma and the Littles are happier even than we who are you fans and friends. Continued positive thoughts, and prayers for you and the family for your continued healing and recovery. The world wouldnā€™t be the same without you.

I was thinking the same thing about picture #2, she is definitely saying that. Lol

This is me for the past week, gotta take care of the fur-baby.

Itā€™s all about Parenting and Maturity.

Mature Parents are responsible for what their children do and the consequences there of.

Immature/entitled Parents are not, they put expectations and blame everyone else.

Knowing he did his best for us, even if we had to do without, made it worth it in the end. Even during the leanest times, we knew he loved us, thatā€™s what your children will remember, I promise.

Youā€™re welcome. Iā€™ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

My dad got sole custody of my sisters and me way back when, our ā€œmotherā€ couldnā€™t be bothered, unless it was to ā€œbotherā€ my dad. Just continue to be good to your children, it will work out for them.


Make her leave a ā€œpaper trailā€.

If she tells you something in person or over the phone, send a text or email saying, ā€œas per our phone call/conversation earlier today (insert relevant info; time/ place/ etc) we agree ( ( insert agreement info) ).

ALWAYS DO THIS. Also the condition of the children before and after each visit.

All those flatscreen tvs in houses with cats and not one secured against tip over. Smdh

Thatā€™s the one with the bubbly personality, s/he is gonna be the goofball. Lol

Prayers said and sent. Will continue to pray.

Good on yā€™all for standing up like that! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼

This one made me laugh-snort! When we were little ( back many, many, years ago), us children called a penis a doodle. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Omg! But seriously, did Brad live in Virginia, by any chance?