Based on your answers depending on the experience that scratches the right itch I’d say:

  • Remnant 2: can be enjoyed solo or co-op with a friend. Basically pretend Destiny and Dark Souls had a 3P shooter baby. You can easily get 150-200+ hours out of it without discovering all of its MANY secrets. It’s super polished with tight gunplay (for a 3PS) and excellent audio. This is my #1 reco to you

  • Starfield: since you mentioned Fallout, Starfield is another Bethesda game. Just be forewarned the space travel breaks up actual walking around exploration, but if NASApunk aesthetics and/or building your own ships sounds appealing to you, you could easily dump hundreds of hours here (DLC is also coming in a few months)

  • Looking for a more repetitive/endless loop? Single player roguelites would scratch this itch very well and include Dead Cells (if punishing difficulty doesn’t scare you), Vampire Survivor, Loop Hero, and Neon Abyss as excellent options

  • Looking for a more traditional multiplayer experience to grind alongside other players, as others have said Diablo 4 can’t be beat for non-shooters rn. For a shooter, Siege and Halo Infinite have plenty to grind for even if you’re just looking for persistent progression

Honestly there’s a lot to choose from depending on your poison of choice. What types of games have you played that have a good grind in your opinion?

And let’s not forget the absolute BANGER of a soundtrack LH has

Oh damn you’re right first time ever it’s been on sale and after just a few days it ended like 7/4. Bummer I was just about to buy it!

Imagine being triggered at some people enjoying a game you don’t

Superliminal. Can be beaten in a couple hours. Wouldn’t want to spoil anything but worth playing through.

Lol real circlejerk comment here. Game launched with way less bugs than last Bethesda games, and they’ve made excellent improvements and additions to the current experience.

Florida Mayhem

Guarantee one of these skins will be for Venture

Florida Mayhem — :florida-mayhem::atlanta-reign:

Since you can apparently speak for the massive casualbase maybe you can answer why then was the Tank role so strongly abandoned in the later years of OW1 that queue times went to shit compared to now?

Florida Mayhem — :florida-mayhem::atlanta-reign:

Been playing OW since 2016 beta. Tank is in such a better spot with OW2 and it’s not even close.

Damn it’s almost like you can make smart decisions for the future but still be nefarious at heart. This thread is a fucking circlejerk.

It generally helps when you control a key material needed to make panels.

Disconnect the idea of fun with winning. Make your joy of playing focused on growth and improvement. You will win many games and lose many games, but this shouldn’t matter. Your improvement should be your fulfillment and goal. But understand to truly embrace this will take consistent time invested in comp.

Then when you get old like me and don’t have as much time to play between spouse, kids, and work, you can join the Quickplay Club.

For me I enjoy the emphasis on game sense (technique, map knowledge, positioning, etc.) alongside skill. It’s why I have consistently enjoyed Overwatch over the years. Both completely different games but they scratch a similar itch.

The older I get, I increasingly can’t stand how twitchy so many shooters have become (CoD, Apex, etc.). I play multiplayer games to have fun and get better with time. Just embracing raw mobility as a means to ‘doing well’ is no fun in my mind.

Overwatch. There’s some good shooters out there but OW still scratches a particular itch.

Roboquest is worth your time (especially if you liked Gunfire Reborn).

Florida Mayhem

Unfortunately I can’t play with my friends who are new to OW because of this exact reason. I think this hurts long-term accessibility to the game.

Jumping into Arcade modes or Mystery Heroes can help a bit, but generally when my new player friends queue up with me they are miserable and we just lose repeatedly.

I’m in my mid-30s, married with kids. I really only get anywhere from 2-8 hours a week to game depending on work and family needs, and to really get longer gametime I have to sacrifice sleep.

I just don’t have time for the competitive grind, nor is it worth the frustration anymore. But I used to play comp in every game I played… CoD, StarCraft, Overwatch most recently. The grind was fun, but with limited time it’s just not. Swiftplay/quick play modes with shorter match times are exactly my speed, although I will dabble in Ranked from time to time.

Limited time also means I tend to hop between a few games at a time. So again long 30-45+ min matches is just too much time for me.

I’m not really sure how else I can convey that optics matter for a company whether something illegal or legal (but highly questionable) happened. Twitch obviously would not cover up a crime for the reasons you stated if that’s what occurred. But plenty of companies have covered up questionable but legal behavior to save face.

Ok, but let’s say (and again this is all obviously hypothetical) there were messages with a minor that were inappropriate but not technically illegal. Let’s say the minor in question rescinded allegations later, then when everything is settled NDAs are signed by all parties as part of the settlement. If nothing illegal was covered up, then in the court of law there is no foul play.

Again, I am NOT giving my opinion on what potentially happened, because there is no actual evidence to any of this and Doc like anyone else is innocent until proven guilty. But I am saying social media often does not abide by innocent until proven guilty, hence regardless of the nuances Twitch would want to uphold their reputation.

I’m not saying Doc did anything, but let’s consider Twitch is a haven for minors and as such there are expectations for how they steward their offerings. So even if Doc had done anything, Twitch absolutely wouldn’t have wanted PR issues with one of their biggest streamers engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor directly on a product of theirs.