💰Cash Considerations 💰

Respectfully, bullshit. His MVP is a bigger sham the the Lakers COVID Chip.

💰Cash Considerations 💰

For his cost, Embiid is absolutely not worth it. Dude is softer than Charmin. Watching a 7ft and nearly 300lb dude spend more time on the floor than actually playing ball makes my eyes bleed. The process is cooked.

The CGI is notoriously bad. Just Google overlord goblins season 3

It's Overlord. First Season is really good. The CGI animation and the pacing really fall off during the second season and it continues to the third. The light novel is pretty dam good overall. Recommend reading that over watching the show.

We are the champions of "if only one play went different" moral victories.

I love Matt but he is just not a HOFer. He is a hall of very gooder. He's the best Falcons QB ever. But he'll always be a borderline guy. If guys like Brodie and Anderson can't get in, he just has no shot.

His podcast is so boring. I like some of his short video stuff but Trae has absolutely no personality for just talking

I feel like your kink would be your parents actually giving you love and support

I would rather jab my eyeballs out with rusty spoons than witness this kind of social media

if you're this desperate for attention you're in the wrong place

This might be the cringiest shit I've ever seen on this sub and that's saying a lot.

💰Cash Considerations 💰

Cash considerations was always the real number one pick

Honestly, yes. Dude deserves every downvote. Same with you for white knighting for the guy who was clearly being a pretentious asshole.

A physical affidavit. A text is only supplementary evidence. Your coworker could also potentially have to appear in court as a witness. It depends on how far things go. And did you really just show up to this place and work without doing any kind of payroll /HR process?

If you can get the coworker to sign an affidavit saying they saw you work said hours, it could go a long way. I would reach out to others and see if they might sign as well. The more the better. Texts could definitely help as far as proving your case so save those as well. Did you sign any kind of paper work or do an I-9 or any kind of tax form?

They legally have to pay you at least minimum wage for the hours worked if you have proof you worked those hours. If you didn't sign some kind of contract or paperwork before doing the work then you got straight up screwed. Always, always, always make sure there is a verifiable way for you to clock in or have your time worked accounted for before doing any job. If you did any of these things, it should be a pretty open and shut case in small claims court. I would also notify the department of labor asap.