What about wildlife documentaries on National Geographic?

Swim shirts, face stick, teaching them to apply

There was a kid who’s parent allowed them to swim (SWIM) with a binky in their mouth. How dangerous is that?!?

Not a nurse but I’d love to work part time, my industry doesn’t really support it. Part time seems like the dream to me

Maybe he needs boundaries? He can help you with grocery shopping and staying with the cart or he can ride in it. If he doesn’t do those things then you have to leave. Or he can sit in the cart with snacks.

I don’t speak on behalf of KC. Stay frosty my dude! Don’t forget about the real issues you mentioned above!

I agree with all your statements. Never said I was mad, just asked a question. Folks in this sub real mad though

Thanks for the reassurance. Just hoping for no seasickness 🤢

Thanks I guess the upgrade is considered “deluxe”? I was looking for being on a higher floor rather than lower. I don’t consider the floor change an actual upgrade. 11A was floor 3/4 and 10B is floor 2

Could it be folks displaced from coming over the boarder? I know Texas has been bussing them places…

Edit to add: idk why the downvotes. Displaced migrants have been a real issue for some cities.

I love two on her. If she’s comfortable she looks lovely. MOG doesn’t need to cover up if they don’t want to

I did this, but it was a huge relief for me to have reliable childcare. We don’t have a reliable village or babysitter. 2.5 was hard

I wanted this information to be true, but it wasn’t my experience.

I contacted guest services and seems that guaranteed rooms are incredibly misleading. Website is advertising rooms available on decks 3/4 and 6/7 for my upcoming cruise, and there’s none left, and I’m being assigned to deck 2. Disney is knowing selling you the bottom decks and listing it as guaranteed for higher with no chance at upgrades

Hmm this discussion is interesting. I just booked a guaranteed 11A inside room and was assigned a deck 2 category 10B room. Looks like I was assigned lower than the guaranteed in my reservation

Edit to add here: I contacted guest services and seems that guaranteed rooms are incredibly misleading. Website is advertising rooms available on decks 3/4 and 6/7 for my upcoming cruise, and there’s none left, and I’m being assigned to deck 2. Disney is knowing selling you the bottom decks and listing it as guaranteed for higher with no chance at upgrades

Huh that’s interesting. What’s your field? I’ve got 10 yrs of experience in engineering it found I was asking for too much in both salary and hourly for my location

That’s interesting. I took a two year break and have found I’ve been asking too much.

I needed a lot of interview practice. I was at my old job over 10 years. Apply for everything but know what your limits are. I took a pretty steep pay cut for more flexible work. Most of the positions wanted me 50% or more travel or relocation. There isn’t a ton out there in remote work right now.

I left when mine was 6 months old. I’ve casually looked but am now going back full time. Depends on what you’re looking for. I was looking for flexibility, and that’s been hard to find. I’ve been looking for a job solidly for a year now, and got an offer this week.

Congrats! Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of outside influence to make a big change!

I get this. Thank you for signing him up for something. I fear my child might be like this one day because it’s how my husband was raised and still very prevalent to this day. I try everything

Plus juice. We don’t typically do drinks, but offer juice to keep fluids up while sick.