:formula-1-2018: Formula 1

Guy wakes up in the morning and pisses excellence, like Ricky Bobby.

I really like my Cuisinart Multiclad Pro. And I have a lot of them.

My uncle used to be the guy in his little town that everyone took their horses to for hoof maintenance.

Get the belt changed. Having a belt let go on you on the road will make you kick yourself in the ass so hard for not getting it done. Just get it done somewhere else, or at least ask another place to have a look at your belt.

Jesus christ I miss having a volume knob on the stereo of whatever equipment I'm operating. In a busy mine I get a lot of calls and I fucking hate not being able to just turn the volume down all at once by turning the volume knob. The fancy CAT touchscreen is horrible.

People are really throwing that word iconic around fast and loose these days aren't they.

I agree they should have the ambulance. But your commentary about the horses only doing 3 mph and taking breaks are weird to be honest.

I've had 3 so far up here in Canada.

Chris needs to get himself a chopping block to get that up to the right height.

Yeah Sidney to Japan in 1970 must have involved a stopover, but he'd still be spending hours at maximum altitude.

I'd agree that the calamity was definitely in progress here.