Just had to second your view. Went to a birthday party last week with mostly white people and there was an Ethiopian family there. Tried to talk to the mom but it was as if I was beneath her, cold, terse and all smiles with the white ladies. Ironically when I lived in Denver, I would get mistaken for Ethiopian all the time. OP— welcome to the US the land of the one drop rule. You posted in the right place bc you are indeed black. 🙄

Respond: And I’ve never dated an idiot. Not starting now. Ok bye!!

I just find “what do you bring to the table” ñ to be an odd question. I do unmatch when someone asks me this. I feel like I put enough on my profile for anyone who matches with me to see my value. Same if I match with them. OP— this girl was an self centered asshole. Bullet dodged.

I don’t engage with name calling— it’s intellectually weak and always unnecessary.

PS- BMI is not a percentile

I live in South Texas, people are super polite but unlikely to break up a guy on ten like this bc of the potential. Different strokes for different parts of Texas, I suppose

Hardly. Another physician here. You should know that obesity literally is defined as the weight to height ratio at which there is increased risk of diseases like hypertension and diabetes. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted bc Reddit has something against speaking the truth about correlation between obesity and disease. But it’s facts.

Texan here. Just stating my reality— I don’t even honk my horn for this reason Can’t speak for other states 🤷🏽‍♀️

Losers like this don’t have the means or desire to keep the kid. He’s making a huge show to take the kids when he’s going to quietly drop him back off at Keisha’s house in an hour or so.

Which could’ve all been avoided if he paid his child support and took his son himself.

This is the real question. Not wanting to be saddled with someone who is unhealthy is everyone’s option but I get the sense this has more to do with aesthetics and s OP has one foot out the door anyways.

But if she is clinically obese, you can’t deny that her risk is higher than other for developing disease by definition

Not with the right person. I dated out with a guy like this. A poor match in every other way but kissing with him?? 🔥🔥We could literally make out for hours.

Thanks 🙏 I appreciate your support and positivity. And I’m sure there are plenty of people in their 20s who are doing well. They deserve kudos too. I just wasn’t one of them 🤷🏽‍♀️

I didn’t say you needed corroboration. No one really needs anyone to agree with them. Just adding my two cents in an open forum. And discourse is also open to how each individual person sees it/wants to present it. My opinion is that yes, women (everyone really) is more jaded with time.. but time also brings with it other blessings. I used myself as an example. It would be illogical for me to try to “sell” myself to you. I was making a point, no trying to score a date for myself.

I do understand and agree. Happiness is hard to come by. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience and I wish you guys all the best 💜

I replied to you, who said that saying women over 40 being jaded would get him banned for overgeneralizing. I stated that it is in fact true— we are more jaded. But we also have positive characteristics that come with time. I don’t need to sell myself to anyone. Simply pointing out the facts that aging comes with good and bad consequences.

We are more jaded because life. But 40* women can also be better in other ways. I also like myself better now after 40 because I love myself more— I am confident, comfortable, happy, financially independent. Things that i personally would’ve not been at 24.

I mow my lawn and did with a white husband. My mom mowed the lawn alternating with my dad and he is black. Maybe I’m from a mowing family lol

Favorite activity: loudly locking the doors when white ppl walk by. Bc 1. You never know and 2. It really does hurt to know who I am and what’s on my heart have ppl do that to me. Sadly, I can’t do this in the tesla.

This. I’ve been divorced for three years now and I realize: It really is this simple

Someone in the medical field should never say that someone does or doesn’t look obese. Obese discusses risk for diseases like hypertension and diabetes. It’s not a look. I assume you meant fat but the terms obese and fat are not interchangeable.

With her weight the way it is, she is definitely obese and at higher risk for these disease processes. She indeed should lose weight especially as the years go on and her risk for these things increases. The good news is that she doesn’t have a ton of weight to lose as people that are overweight (bmi >25,<30) has almost the same risk for disease as someone <25.

OP— you’re not thin or “fat”. I’m not a guy but in my opinion you have a pleasant roundness or thickness to you. Like someone said before, sleep, exercise and eat right— this would yield little weight you need to bring you to bmi<30 and you’re good.