You don't find them because you're not looking hard enough. You don't hear about those survival situations because you're not listening to people who talk about it.

Those vegetables and those situations do exist; because we live in a society that cultivates food on a massive scale instead of hunting and foraging, you are many MANY generations removed from the need to forage for edible vegetables in the wild; therefore, it's not unusual that you are unaware of such things.

Okay, here's a link explaining "Lordship Salvation". Hope it informs you on what a Lordship Church might be like based on these beliefs.

That doesn't sound much like a fair and accurate depiction of "Lordship Churches" (I think you're that's the label you're using to denote churches that teach that salvation comes from submitting to Jesus as Lord, i.e. "Lordship Salvation").

There are a few denominations that believe in "no sin whatsoever", and they are small subsets of denominations in the Wesleyan tradition.

On second thought, how about not trying that anymore.

He made passing remarks about running for president for decades and decades. So he was pretty much campaigning for president, which is like preparing for the presidency; since God-King Trump's whole life was, in fact, one long preparation for the presidency, we could consider every act in his life as an official act. Immunity forever, past, present, and future!

There's a difference between a revolution and a reaction. When 90% of the populace is in poverty, you might get a revolution. Reaction is when the wealth-owning class is threatened, not with poverty, but with the removal of their means of generating wealth into themselves.

The Civil War in America wasn't fought because "90% of the population was in poverty". It was fought because the wealthy elite who owned the means of production for much of the industry in the south felt under threat because their means of production was deemed illegal (the means of production was chattel slavery).

Why are you talking about leftists in response to a comment about Democrats and Biden?

The law the refer to ( is mostly a list of definitions defining terms for the actual law. Yes, it's about obscene materials and children.

Honestly, a lot of technology starts as proof-of-concept before another inventive person finds out a great way to implement it. Maybe this will be used to make smart windows or a HUD on your car windshield or something.

In 1881, on Ernest Seton’s 21st birthday, his father called him into his study, took down an enormous cash book from a high shelf, and opened it at "E."

In the book he had recorded every expense he had ever made on the boy, including the day and date of each outlay, all the way back to the doctor’s fee for his delivery. The total was $537.50.

“Hitherto,” he said, “I have charged no interest. But from now on I must add the reasonable amount of 6 per cent per annum. I shall be glad to have you reduce the amount at the earliest possible opportunity.”

Seton paid the bill and never spoke to him again.

In 1881, on Ernest Seton’s 21st birthday, his father called him into his study, took down an enormous cash book from a high shelf, and opened it at "E."

In the book he had recorded every expense he had ever made on the boy, including the day and date of each outlay, all the way back to the doctor’s fee for his delivery. The total was $537.50.

“Hitherto,” he said, “I have charged no interest. But from now on I must add the reasonable amount of 6 per cent per annum. I shall be glad to have you reduce the amount at the earliest possible opportunity.”

Seton paid the bill and never spoke to him again.

I'm sure you're not the only person alive who really hasn't known of a US presidential election where two candidates argued their own merits instead of just saying "The other person would destroy human civilization as we know it! I know I'm not great but if you don't vote for me, the blood of humanity is on your hands!"

It'd be nice if we can get some clear precedent on things that can never constitute an official act. Actions taken in pursuit of affecting elections (basically anything that can be broadly considered "campaigning") should be clearly outside the bounds of a president's official duties. Any actions taken to campaign for the job cannot be considered official acts of the job itself.

If money is speech, then taxes are government-compelled speech, and therefore a violation of the constitution.

Yeah, the glorified tree platform was a popular thing. I think these cartoons were trying to capture how these tree platforms "felt" for the kids who built them. Much grander than they were, but they were the best thing ever as a kid.


Me: "He's got my vote!"



Yeah, but it's a different story with a different message. The only similarity is the theme of an Asian immigrant family.

Oh, I thought you meant there were 2 times in the movie that made you cry, and 1 moment that almost made you cry. My bad.

That's what Evelyn wants at the outset. She wants to take their miserable existence seriously, she hates that Waymond puts googly eyes on everything.

If that's what the movie was, it would just be giving Eyelyn what she wants with no growth or change, just stagnation and alienation. There'd be no story to tell.

The wacky shit in the movie is representative of the way Waymond deals with the pressures of an immigrant lifestyle and the way he tries to support his family through it all. Their family/culture is telling them to hustle more and find success. He is happy with moderate success "just doing laundry and taxes" with his family.

His cope and his support through hard times is to put googly eyes on everything. The movie's cope and support in its narrative is to put dildos on everything (and more wacky shit, but you get the point).

I think it's actually helpful that the line was subtitled for making it memorable. I remember the line "Just be a rock" because it hit pretty hard and was subtitled.

That and "Shh! You don't have to worry about that here. Just be a rock."