The best part is that investing in the indices would actually benefit from the ape mindset of buy and refuse to sell/hold forever and average down if it dumps.

I think the fouls are going to start coming out soon.

I hate him more for what he enabled than what he was. A deluded narcissist who tried to hang onto the opportunity for power despite being strongly disliked by many of his own MPs and unsuitable for leadership. Pretending to wield the moral high ground talking about "winning the argument" while being one of the main contributors to extending the Tory reign past its natural length.

Mine is pushing to £70k last time I checked from a 3 year degree. The interest rate is pretty absurd. Unless I start hitting towards 100k gross earnings, it's not getting paid off.

Dr Cass is a medical doctor and her report is very clear on this matter. Listen to the experts.

Anything can happen. Back in 2019 the blonde clown was plotting for three terms and he is now thoroughly disgraced.

Still, elections are generally won on the centre ground which has been seized by Starmer and co. If I had to bet on him vs a grifter duo of Braverman/Farage, I'd pick the former.

The actual wider Tory party membership is quite right to the electorate and will vote that way in the contest. The checks to that provided by the MPs who vote the earlier rounds will be weakened because BJ purged a lot of the sensible ones to get Brexit through and the number of MPs will be drastically reduced. The "right" wing MPs may wield more power than they did before.

This but with Braverman as I believe she is more likely to keep her seat. Either one should be the equivalent of a Corbyn era for them.

If you look under the bonnet you might be surprised to find that Eric and Hilda are cumulatively receiving multiple times anything they have contributed in real terms and are happy for everything else to be cut to the bone to get theirs.

It's like Lib Dems and their housing target of 380k - which the leadership tried to scrap and have publicly come out against. You can hardly believe believe politician promises and even less so when they say they don't want to do it and are only putting it on paper because they were forced to.

Half of British Muslims think your sexuality should be illegal mate. The data is out there, Google it.

Feel free to donate 50% of your take home pay to a boomer cruise holiday fund, in that case. Taxes are projected to reach the highest level since WW2 and jacking them up even higher is not the answer.

Without reforming and defeating the boomer welfare complex, we are throwing money down a bottomless hole.

You miss the point. Any further tax raises will just go to people who are wealthier and financially secure but want even more. Just look at the last 14 years - paycuts for doctors and teachers while pensioners enjoy above inflation handouts. £15bn extra for pensions last fiscal year while the NHS is on its knees. Do you really want more of that? Because all you're doing with higher taxes is giving old people more cash welfare.

I don't think you understand. There is plenty of tax money already - it just goes to inflation/above inflation boomer handouts. A tax increase won't majorly change that, it will just get funnelled into boomer pockets for the most part. We've seen major tax increases in the last few years from fiscal drag and all it has done is enrich boomers while public services are on their deathbed.

Personal allowance increase was GOATed. Always good to keep more of your own money, particularly when taxes we pay just get funnelled upwards to land owning boomers.

This is also what I'm thinking. Intel could genuinely go to 5-10 a share on the bubble bursting.

Funnily enough, FXPO (LSE listed Ukrainian based iron miner) has not dumped today. Maybe the market thinks he will force Ukraine to accept a peace deal with Russia that may involve border changes. So stocks with direct Ukraine exposure could be worth a look, with extreme caution.

You should probably vote Lib Dem if that's what you want to do. Your vote is essentially used to strengthen the argument for PR with no real downside.