Yankees plate discipline this year has been amazing versus the past.

As someone who lived in the Bay Area for two decades — half my friends are in shambles this weekend.

Slip of the tongue. Looked like an in play ball at first

We were only up 1-0.

Then they tied it 1-1, they took the lead 1-3 and then we tied it to 3-3. Then they took a lead of 3-5.

Half our bullpen makes me feel like Boone is managing 4th down.

People think of SF as a football town because the Niners — but they take a lot of pride in the Giants.

They aren’t the Rockies fans.

It’s crazy to me that Juan Soto has these stats and he’s still the second guy on the team to Judge’s star power.

I love how a first year SNL guy got an MLB ad campaign lol

But for real, dude is hilarious on SNL.