Trades people still have their own tools even in Europe, don’t they?

Millwrights in Canada have some of their own tools but their employer provides most of them, usually job specific.

Mechanics have their own tools which is crazy now since the full Snapon set with tool boxes is something like $50k CAD. Even the apprentice set is about $20k.

That looks like my local Stihl dealer, minus the cat and the cable.

Like… Christianity! Many of the myths of Mithras were co-opted by the early church. Both Mithras and Jesus had miraculous births. Both on December 25th. Christian baptism versus ritual bathing. Both are the divine incarnate. Both intercede between humanity and deity. Both have communal meals as part of their sacraments.

There are lots of Christian based refutations of this but be careful because they are written by deeply devoted Christians trying to prove the one true faith.

Seattle. They said Seattle. Which is pretty close to Vancouver and may be really close on the flight path. Regardless, in an emergency it’s the nearest airport they go to and it may be in the US. Your potential problems don’t override the safety of the passengers and crew on the aircraft. It’s not kidnapping. It’s an emergency.

Map Porn Renegade

Who TF is Getulio? Doesn’t fit with the rest. I had to look him up.

I’ve got the same thing!


This literally made me laugh out loud. I’m glad I wasn’t taking a drink when I read it.

When did that become a slur versus just a short form? I get that anything is a slur if used in a derogatory way, but that’s a slur now? It is literally a short way to say it. If it is, it is. That’s just it. But we need to get thicker skins and allow idiots to speak up so we can recognize they are idiots.

YTA. What they name their daughter is none of your business and it’s not unfair to your daughter. It’s a non-issue, I’ve seen it lots even with cousins that share the last name.

That’s nature. We tried stopping forest fires out west and then realized the seeds had to be burned in order to germinate. Nature will be nature. Water erodes. That’s why we aren’t on top of a mountain.

If you’re serious, steam but most of it is caught up in the grounds. If you’re not serious then, you know…

Please tell me we haven’t fallen so far as a civilization that people don’t understand this or the reason for it!

No. If he wins another race it will be record setting let alone win the WDC. That’s done. He’s at 7.

He won’t beat Leclerc at Ferrari.

He’s past his prime. I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but NO F1 driver with 300 or more starts has EVER won a GP. Ever. If Hamilton or Alonso were to win a race that would be record setting.

He set some great lap times last race but can’t stay as consistent as he did when he was younger. And he’s not driving the dominant car any more either. He’s still good but his best days are behind him.

Don’t “loan” more than you’re willing to just give. You’re better off just gifting it and if you get it back be pleasantly surprised. Otherwise you’ll lose the friend.

I said the same thing. He kept the turbo spinning through the turn and reduced the turbo lag.

Or Senna’s technique of blipping his throttle through a corner kept his turbo in the power zone. Are we shocked drivers blame everyone but themselves for lack of performance? No team willingly gives up points. Ever. But they will favour the better driver and that’s what they should do.

It’s not sabotage. He’s too old to compete against top young drivers. Period. I can’t explain Alonso however. The man made a deal with the devil and put him in a Merc, McLaren, Ferrari or Red Bull and I think he’d be the first to get a win with over 300 starts. The man is unreal in his 40’s.

Canadians drink twice as much coffee as Americans per capita. I’m not sure on tea but given the popularity of real iced tea especially in the South in the US, they probably consume more tea per capita than Canadians. We probably drink more hot.

No driver with over 300 F1 starts has ever won a race. I don’t know why Ferrari dropped Sainz for Lewis. He’s past his winning days. He showed a few laps of brilliance and his former glory last race, but Russell is faster. He can still compete midfield as can Alonso, but their days are numbered and if either won even one race it would be huge news. They won’t be competing for a Championship.

I see him driving the Ferrari maybe one season before becoming the elder statesmen. I don’t know that he gets a seat with the new rules car in 2026. I think those cars are going to signal the end for both Alonso and Hamilton.

I was referring to the instant voting rights, not being able to easily move there. Although I don’t think it’s as hard for Canadians as nationals from non-Commonwealth countries.

Haven’t seen him play so can’t really comment. It’s a little sus he doesn’t play in tournaments against other streamers. I have yet to see COD ban a major streamer. They get banned by Steam, Battlenet or Twitch. I think COD has white listed some of these guys.