Premier league could have done the funniest thing and choose Poch as manager of the season 

Looks good ! What is the thing under the display ?

Never saw a goal scored and so much sadness in the eyes of the scorer. Havertz was sad. He could have scored a quintuple he knew it would not be enough, or it wouldn't matter. Break my heart.Still so proud of the team,and never been prouder to be a gunner either. Best football you'll see until Wenger comes back

Media be like "he's a gooner". Nah mate, he's a gunner and always will be. 

I am sure Arteta will be an example in years to come. Owner trusted him when the results were bad because he had a plan and also players trusted him. I am so happy they gave him time. Also sure Chelsea should (and are) doing the same with Poch. Without him, both Poch and ETH would be out for a while I think. 

I am not even a Liverpool fan. I am a gunner. Why I am crying right now??? 

We win today, great. We don't, great. Progress is here and if it is not this year, it'll be next. And the next too. I don't care about today, I am here for the long run.

Started following in 2009, never been so hyped and proud to be a gunner. And I know next year I'll even be prouder. 

Lessgo boys

As a gunner, I love that Kane will win only one trophy which look like a cannon. 

I am so surprised he is only 31. Since he has been called in national team for so long, I assumed he was way older. Specially since he did not play a lot recently due to injuries, I thought his body is old after all those years at high level. 

In a totally different style, I just finished Grandia, which is a JRPG where your party scales with their action. You level up like in every other rpg but if you use a lot a skill, you get better at it. You use a specific type of magic (earth, water, fire, wind), and your stats upgrades along. It made me think of R&C in a way. And it is a very smart way to handle upgrades IMO. 

Still, game is older than R&C and have not seen a recent game done that. 

I think it is the series I finished the most times. Played it on PS2 multiple times, played again on ps3, and just downloaded it on my Ps vita.

  • I still think, after years of gaming and games played, that the way they handle the weapon evolution is the best in gaming. And I am still looking for a game with similar mechanics. In vain. 

Coud you update your experience with time? I played it a few months ago, and it crashed twice in the cinematic just after your video.  It was a bit laggy but OKish. Just really annoying to expect a crash at each moment

Runs well! Played 4/5h, looks good and runs without any issues. Only had trouble when I had to name my character, but plugged a mouse and keyboard for 30s for this step and otherwise it is good! 

Thanks mate! I'll wait a bit for those games then! 

Yeah. I have not seen a lot of Spurs games this season but the few I saw he was always really reliable. I am tempted to say he is their best player this season (but again, not a large sample and with the shitty team he has a lot of work) 

Is it me or Porro did absolutely nothing this game for Spurs ? Basically a 12vs10. Made mistakes all game : was too slow to cross early, gave a penalty too. (still hate him for the magnificient goal he scored against us last year with Lisbonna)

Son invisible and misses a 1v1 he never misses.

The goalie was good though.

Thanks for your input. Thanksfully I have a huge backlog so I can wait for LO (or I'll buy a cheap xbox someday and hope my game still works)

I installed the emulator earlier in january and played a bit of Skate 3, which work perfectly (and is awesome). But I had crashes with Lost Odyssey and Fable 2. Blue Dragon did not even start, same for Banjo-Kazooie. Those are the only titles I tried (maybe the only I really want to play too)

Does anyone knows if the games listed above work now ? Would love to finally beat Lost Odyssey ! Thanks !

Currently playing Grandia which is a quite innocent game for the first half. I do not recall what exactly happens but a character fall off and say the line " I hit my fanny". Made me laugh as it was really unexpected 

I tend to use a Ps Vita for GBA (and also Ps1, psp and vita) emulation as it is smaller. The rest is for my deck 

Dark Souls 3 too? He is a bit bigger than you but not as impressive as others mentioned (or Elden Ring) 

Nice thanks. Since I have a 64gb, I guess I do not have this much space in my swap file. I was looking for an excuse to upgrade the ssd. Thanks for giving me one

I never have more than one game launched at the same time. But I use the pause/play feature for that game. Did not even know we could do it with multiple titles. Does it cause some latency/bug? 

I am currently playing Grandia and it is quite chill. I am 7h in and story seems OK. It is quite old so not gorgeous, but otherwise it is nice. Combat is simple, story is cool (you are a kid that wanna go on an adventure), and it costs next to nothing

Which version? I could not make the gog version to work sadly