Jack Slack was spot on about this. "People hating a fighter for mixing the martial arts"

⬆️ This dork is a 40 year old stoner calling a world class 27 year old professional fighter "the biggest clown this world has ever seen"

Still bigger than the promotion 🤷‍♂️


There's a few footballers (Pepe, Ashley Young) that I genuinely believed were bald. Shocking to see them turn turn up one season with a full head of hair

Of course you're on the dogs side with that username

Your man needs to grow a pair of balls

Look at the statistics, no "every couple of years" shite there, one breed is disproportionately over represented

Take your points and the goals will come 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

Lad I'm friends with went on the sesh with him in Sheffield. Apparently after the Ireland France game he went around the pubs telling everyone he'd pocketed Mbappe lmaoooo

Did he look more confident?

Looked much more timid/apprehensive to me

Corona > Modelo

He's a mixed martial artist. If you think he's one dimensional I think you're slow

That is reductive IMO, the show's writing does an excellent job at exploring the core themes of Fire and Blood.

Ian will figure him out.

The Future is Inevitable

Not Ian's fault that MVP has less dimensions than a line

Corona > Modelo

No? Are you trying to say Garry is a grappler? 😭😭😭😭

Corona > Modelo

2-1 Ian. MVP one dimensional as fuck, warra surprise.