What about painted black 5" wooden spheres under each leg? If they were centered properly on the leg it could look cool!

Had mine for about 2 months, been printing something different almost every day. Came in as a complete beginner and it has been so easy to use. The only times my prints have failed is because of mistakes on my end - improper settings on cura etc.

I've been recommending it to anyone who will listen

I habe the 3 pro as well, seems pretty quiet to to me!

I had the exact same issue! I got a pair of steel toe blunds and I felt pressure on the top of my toes/feet. I wore them a bit and now they feel amazing. I noticed the thickness of sock I wear makes a difference too - but yes I feel like my boots stretched out a bit for sure! You can also get thinner insoles if it really bothers you!

I had the exact same dilemma - ended up going with carpentry and am 10 years into it now. As long as you start apprenticing as a carpenter at the beginning of your career you will be making good money in no time - my wage is definitely comparable to the electricians I work alongside of.

Somedays being a carpenter sucks - it can be hard on the body and some of your coworkers will be alcoholic assholes at best.

Somedays being a carpenter is incredibly rewarding, giving skills that last a lifetime and a sense of pride in ones own accomplishments.

Electrician or carpenter are both good choices, go with your gut and send it! If you don't like the one you choose, switch to the other!

Nice slab - what kind of pants is the guy on the right wearing? I want those pants

Alternatively - grab a beer and go look at it every chance you get! So much potential to dream of :)

Most things can be carpentry questions, we do it all

How'd you get this photo??? Do you work with me or something this is freaking me out

The 2nd day I had my printer I somehow got little rocks in between the top and bottom plate. They melted in and embedded themselves into the lower plate. I dug them out but they left some nice little divots. I was panicking at first but everything is still working as it should be.

If I read correctly the lower plate is pretty cheap to replace if it's eventually needed

Amazing! Did you design the Mandela shapes too? If so what program?

I see your other comment about not being able to move it - move the books and screw through the sides of the cabinet into your canvas board

Hopefully you can pull the cabinet away from the wall, then it will be easy!

Sink some screws through "A" into the back of your canvas board, if you make your canvas board 3/4 thick you'll have lots of meat to screw into. Then at the bottom screw through your board and fasten to "B".

Just make sure you pre drill everything appropriately and use the right length screws. Good luck!

Seems fine for non load bearing! Like keyboard carpenter said, it would be more proper to join the plates over a stud. However as long as his top plate is fastened to every joist that wall will be solid

Great question! I gave it a strong tug once it was up but other than that not sure! Im just using them to display a few prints, I'd probably make them bigger if I wanted books on top

Thanks! Yes I'm originally a woodworker so blending the two hobbies for the first time is giving me great pleasure

Thanks! The spread has begun, all I can think about at work is what I'm going to print when I get home lol

19 ounces is the sweet spot! Not too heavy, not too light