Counterpoint: Chilchuck Sandwich (Senshi x Chilchuck x Chilchuck's Wife)

Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times?

This reminds me of two of my friends: an 18 year old guy who's like 1.9m tall, and a 19 year old girl who's about 1.4m tall. Despite the two being just friends (and romantically incompatible), the guy gets weird looks when the two go out together

With hindsight it should've been obvious, but for some reason I thought TL still dealt neutral damage to quad resists lol

Don't Summon a Demon

Re-Destro has definitely said 6 to someone in the MLA (my guess is Geten or Skeptic)

Who needs coverage when no one resists your moves?

(reminder that with Tinted Lens, an 80BP STAB move is better than a non-STAB 120 BP move for anything but SE hits)

Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times?

I'm mostly willing to overlook it since Megas were stated to be made to male older mons more powerful

Now Greninja getting a super form but not the other two?????? Outrageous

Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times?

The more interesting topic is the specific explanations for each, there's like 15 for each rule (so like 500+ in total)

For more information, Google "anthro e621"

Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times?

My Hero Academia has shaped my taste in many things, it's been incredibly influential in how I interact with art. Do not touch it with a ten foot pole

Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times?

If you go by the Bulbasaur logic then Rowlet is actually the First Pokémon, as it was the pokemon chosen by Professor Laventon when he made the first pokedex in Hisui

  1. OP mark as spoiler please his appearance has not been revealed in the anime

  2. hot damn I would

Hypnos :Hypnos:

Honestly apart from Athena, Zeus and Artemis I love all the casts, they're really fun to play around with! I'd have to say Crush Shot and Crystal Beam are my favorites tho they're just really cool

Wait till they hear about the countries that say sen instead of sin

Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times?

The person you're replying to most likely knows, but is making a joke themself about how the "ALT" (short for alternative text, stuff that's used for screen readers for the visually impaired) text tag is covering the word "scissor"

  1. Though I doubt TC didn't have any plan for the DLCs, this is base game content so the chance that it's directly referencing The Grimm Troupe content is low

  2. This does not work with the lore at all lmao, TNH is an exclusively dream thing, it's just as powerful (maybe stronger) than what created The Infection, and it doesn't reside in Hallownest (the Troupe travels along fallen kingdoms very often)

  3. I don't see it lol

There is a simpler set up that is actually possible: Assist. I'm unsure if moves called by Assist can be called by Dancer, but if you Doodle Dancer onto four Smeargles, you can use Assist and hope to get a dancing move

A relatively simple way of doing that is having two teams composed of five Smeargles and an Oricorio each, then having each Smeargle Doodle the Oricorio's ability into both themself and the other partner, leaving four mons with dance moves on the field at once. Apart from Doodle, the four Smeargles on the field only know Assist, and the other Smeargles on the back (along with the Oricorio) only know dancing moves, so it's guaranteed to happen (I think)

I might have gotten a billion things wrong tho idk

Me???? Lying????? I would NEVER do that, why would you accuse me of such a thing?

I was lying to be funny are we not allowed to do that anymore

Though I do like the downvotes my karma is too high lmao

Guys don't click this one it's a rickroll

the derivative of the product is now the product of the derivatives

So the derivative of x2 is still 1

That's true but somehow just pogoing his back was too hard for me LMAO

I feel like using gen 1 as an example is slightly unfair since they didn't really have space for gving some of these moves out, like they probably planned on changing the movesets if they got more games to do so (and it shows since several of those moves are no longer signature in gen 2)

I think something like gen 3 is better as a comparison, both for moves and abilities (esp since the amount of mons is similar): there are a lot less of them, and they're mostly vague concepts. Hell, look at the Sun setting abilities in both games: in gen 3 it's Drought, which sets Sun, and in gen 9 it's Orichalcum Pulse, which sets Sun AND gives the user a 1.3x boost to Attack

Yeah, it pretty much trivialize the boss lol, iirc I used to use that fight to heal up and recharge my SOUL to prepare for NKG on P5

Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times?

That's true! One author I was thinking about while writing my comment (some rando online) constantly made their queer characters express that they were previously victims of harassment and queerphobia, which I did notice as a pattern, but I can't be sure if that was because they themself were queerphobic or for some other reason like as a way to process trauma. All a recurring motif definitively tells you is that the author has strong feelings on the subject, and knowing who the author is as a person is more important than anything else in that regard

So yes knowing if their pets' names involve slurs is helpful