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I agree with you. Fort Myers is cheaper. I wouldn’t say the groceries or gas is cheaper. Real estate and rent is more affordable.

Home insurance and property taxes and car insurance in Fort Myers went 2-3X since the hurricane.

I’ve lived many years in South Florida and Fort Myers.

If you are deep in Miami or spend a lot of time on 95, then yes the traffic is worse than FTM. But if you are in other areas, I’d say the traffic is less than FTM, because there are many side streets and shortcuts - this is non-existent in FTM, there is no way to cut around or go around. 2 big roads and you are stuck.

Fr Myers has quickly become an absolute disaster. Insane traffic everywhere. Place wasn’t built for this many people and there are literally 2 main roads. No way to expand them due to preserve. Construction everywhere, it’s no fun at all anymore.

Lived in Florida. Recently left. You are 100% spot on. Will be back to visit in future, but that’s all. It’s gotten way out of control.

Could be. Perhaps the innate deep wisdom that Pisces tend to be born with is a subtle hint of that. To me, often times most people I meet I almost always think of them as children and feel a sense of sadness for them.

I’ve closely known several Pisces who felt exactly the same way

This is fascinating angle. We are trying to apply linear logic to it but what if it isn’t?

Your managers will likely screw you over in some ways as you won’t know how to setup expectations due to having no experience in the industry. When people see their boss knows nothing about the job, it ends up nightmare. You will not be an effective manager under these conditions because you have to manage the managers and know the job process yourself.

agree with you. Have to be careful with high yield funds. GGN has been climbing higher due to gold & oil exposure. Still a pretty good hold, since it’s mainly a commodity play.

They can be absolutely the most creative flirts, if they really like you. They have high imagination.

I agree with you. I had strongest connections and felt highest level of emotional intelligence match with other Pisces. Scorpios in some ways resemble closeness; however, their extremely self-centered nature is off putting.

Establishing / Mastering boundaries and self-care on it’s own is a monster task to accomplish in life for Pisces. The rest of things I wouldn’t sweat too much at all, it will all come on its own naturally!

Absolutely! It is very counterintuitive for Pisces to prioritize themselves and learn self-love, self-care but it is the most crucial! Great work!!

Very true, people absolutely do not understand pisces and it is not even close to being possible. Pisces, naturally having high communication and creativity, will still never be able to fully explain themselves to anyone. The mystery stays a mystery.

It will be hard. But that’s how you know what the most important lessons are that you are here to learn and overcome.

Because the alternative is much worse: self-sabotage, martyr mindset, victim mindset, inability to form proper relationships and establish boundaries, giving too much of yourselves to people who don’t deserve it, emotional pain, and more. None of these will ever allow you to thrive.

The main issue with Pisces is it’s always trying to save the world at the expense of self. Pisces has tremendous amount of self work to do to “balance out”. This should be of highest priority at all times, and it’s time to get absolutely selfish about it.