Get a tiny 3.5 inch display with hdmi in. Its powered by the mac and cost 18 bucks. Use it to start luna display or duet air to connect to your laptop. If you have an outlet where you intend to work, get the mac mini. If youre travelling more often opt for a macbook

Get at least the 16gb ram upgrade. I don‘t know if the speed increase will justify the invest tho

Die Validierung des Führerscheins dauert bei Sixt, Miles, Carl & Carla, Teilauto und wie sie nicht alle heißen keine 5 Minuten. Wenn du dich vors Auto stellst, das du mieten willst, dauert es mit App runterladen und Account erstellen keine zehn Minuten. Diese Anbieter sind auf die Spontanität der Kunden ausgelegt. Länger dauert es nur wenn du wacklige Bilder machst, aber selbst dann brauchst du unter 15 Minuten.

And then there‘s me thinking my ps2 looks awesome on a crt

This was my exact thought process when I had the choice between MacBook and a Mac mini/ipad combo. I don‘t regret getting the latter

You sometimes can automatically start side car without a connected display. I haven‘t found out why that is tho

This is my solution. It often works without the display, i just need it sometimes to re-enable side car. The comments in this post have some other good recommendations

Sorry, only in a spicy sliced dice ice vice made by mice. But beware they have lice with a vice for spicy sliced dice ice from a mice vice

If you can see the mold form, the whole cake is full of spores already. Don‘t try to drink any of it. One exception for cutting away mold is meat and cheese, since it‘s rather dense

What‘s that weird button next to ALT? /s

That you‘re not supposed to run them near your bed. Started out on resin and had it print away for days like right next to me. Someday I finally read a PSA on resin. Don‘t be like me

Im Zweifelsfall einfach mal den Geschmackstest machen: Je süßer, desto eher ist es Asbest /s

He didn‘t comply by putting his paws on the hood, so standard procedure it is

Technical words from physics, biology, psychology, maths or computer science. Thats my artist name origin, thats my ep name origins. And thats usually how i come up with track titles

I paid 720€ for a brand new M2, 16GB, 256GB. 1400 for a base M1 is a scam

I just start side car and then display my music library on it. It‘s just a weird workaround for Apple not letting you choose an iPad as primary monitor out of the box

Thank you, I will look into this!

I always had weird aspect ratio and latency issues, but maybe I didn‘t try hard enough

It was small and cheap. A portable monitor would have cost me another ~100 bucks