Batman and Robin? REALLY? You could have gone Castor and Pollux. Or Enki and Enlil. But no.

Batman and Robin.

I would praise whatever God that made it happen.

If life turns into a Shin Megami game?


You know at first I felt threatened.

But the open shirt? The greasy chest? The slicked back hair? The fingers of a clumsy fat toddler?

Kind of feel bad for this guy now……

You don’t use any video game quote. Giving birth is not a joke and more than half of every woman that gives birth?


But cool. Think about video game quotes while your wife risks her life to bring your child into the world.

Edit: instead of being present and supporting her in the moment.

Happens to the best of us. I highly recommend purchasing an all weather year round tent. You want one that can see you through the hard times.

From what I can tell, you’re going to need it.

It means you act as the priest. You head the ceremony and sign the legal documents after.

That’s clearly not at all what op is asking. Like at all. Did you even read the post?

Is a brunch drink wealthy and bored white housewives partake within. Don’t make fun of OP. Sometimes things are unexplainable.

I was obsessed with the well at the Amytiville house. As well as every supposed haunted location around the world. Don’t even ask me about the Bermuda Triangle. It’s where I will officially die.

Seriously though, I’m kind of obsessed with Amytiville. I don’t know why. But regardless it takes up alot of my mental space and has since the late 80s. Oddly enough, the activity over in Amytiville picks up around the same time activity picks up half way across the nation in Utah at SkinWalker.

Both of which seem to coincide with other really weird occurrences all over the world. When activity picks up in one location? The rest also see an uptick in the unexplainable. Funny how that works, innit?

Dracule Hawk-Eye Mihawk.

Edit: y’all need One Piece in your lives.

Edit: Jesus has no power here.

So there’s this chemical we call bleach……….

Y’all kids these days.

It’s all the same shit, you guys know that right?

Green is green, unless it’s Mexican brick in which case it’s purple and brown and basically hemp. But otherwise?

Like are y’all really spending over 60 bucks on whatever eighth based on whatever name whatever strain has been given? When you can legally purchase a quarter of non-brand name for half the cost?

Like y’all know it’s pot and pot is pot, period. Right?

No matter what the growers name it?

Edit: and also that you can grow your own? I’m Just sayin.

Would you have posted this video if it was a man spinning that table?

Life has nothing to do with love or money. Especially not money, seeing as how paper money is an imaginary form of barter we just created within the last 300 years. Don’t get me started on its digital counterpart.

Life is about living. Period. We get one chance. Love and money? Just an extra added bonus should we be lucky enough.

Edit: but it’s not the point.

Either would I, but for different reasons. The Nazis were not keen on premature births. They would have assumed I was a defect and killed me as soon as I came out of the womb. No matter what I looked like.

You? It would have been so much worse. They had special camps….. for everyone else that didn’t quite fit the bill. Gay? Mixed? Trans? Disabled? Sick?

Sorry bout your bad luck, die.

The Jewish people were decimated, but so was anyone else that didn’t fit the bill. Men, women and children. The slightest difference, the most innocuous of accidents…. Could get you killed. Could get your family taken. Could get you sent to a camp with “SHOWERS”.

If the Nazis had won? Life would be unbearable for all of us currently. It would be a waking nightmare.

You should watch “The Man In the High Castle”. It should still be available for free on Amazon Prime.

It’s exactly what would have happened according to your question.

Edit: or really, anything written by Phillip Dick. Radio Free and the like.