Yeah do the sniff. Then if it seems OK a little lick then off with the senses


And even though it was always different musicians and bans were chomping at the bit to have the honor of writing the theme songs from the James bond movies.

FLASH AAAAHHHHAAAA He'll save everyone of us

A person has never seen sheer panic and terror till they see a cat fall in the toilet.

I mean just turn off smell ad taste, unless you just really like those two sensations during sex.

Several people in one of my extreme horror book pages got banned from the thriller site for constantly recommending WOOM to them constantly. I mean it was a whole thing. The thriller book people just could not handle it.

It's good that ypu realuze you may not be emotionally equipped to be a pug owner. Pugs have a GREAT need for love and compaigniship. More so than other dogs. They were literally bred for no other purpose than to be a companion. I am sure you will find someone that has dreamed of a pug or just wants to add to their grumble.

As Elton John once sang Someone Saved My Life Tonight about a time when he was in a horrible relationship and someone came to him and convinced him to break it off. You can save your brothers life. All the signs of a abuser are there. Go to him and talk. If you don't your brother is in for a very hard time and in turn you and your family are as well. This type of person can destroy him.

NTA. Please talk to Jenny and suggest she makes her exit plan. Because if she doesn't her entire life will be as a caretaker and being treated like a servant by his family. Today it's his brother , a few years from now he will move his mom and dad in and expect her to be their nurse. Jenny deserves better than a life as an indentured servant.

Your terminology dose allude to sexual abuse, but in the end he is preying on you. WTF is your mom in all this? Why is her and everyone in your family just accepting this child abuser adore worried about how you say it that kicking his ass and getting you out if the situation? They are fine with physical abuse but draw the line at using the wrong word? Shame on them. SHAME. Tell a trusted teacher or friends parent what you are enduring from him and your shit family.

When you only have 3 channels and live in the middle of nowhere you take whatever you can get.

I had a new puppy when it seemed like they played the people order our patties(POOP) episode on a loop. Needless to say potty training for the little guy was challenging.

I can't ith that movie for that scene. Then hrcmakes friends with copper only to find out they can't be friends. I had someone try to convince me once thar it all worked out because Todd has a family. I was like THAT DOESNT MAKE IT OK

Yep. Just one time. I will never watch it again.

Jesus christ I was not alright after this movie for a couple weeks. SH JUST LEFT TODD TO FEND FOR HIMSELF

Fuck that movie. Itcabsolutely destroyed little me.

I was a very sensitive kid. Not so much as n adult. I think my fa.ily ridiculed it our of ms. But probably snoopy come home when snoopys previous owner was in the hospital and he ran away to see her.

Oh boy. Just wait till Kermit dies. He's gonna give us the liw down on xyz