Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD

I made no assumptions.

Even if you can… same statement applies

To ME 34F, eating out every day is the shameful option.

It shows me you’re lazy, lack cooking skills, lack self discipline, and lack fiscal awareness & responsibility. You’re the worst of all worlds basically 😂 bad with money and too stupid to help yourself

🫡 it isn’t weird to bring your own lunch

Lunchbox with frozen water bottle

Keeps it cool and you’ll have ice water with your lunch

New member!

Maybe as a wedding guest but as THE MOTHER of THE BRIDE?!?!? No this is terrible and so embarrassing. But I guess you’re right it could always be worse

Grab some In n out off balboa & go to Kate sessions

Let the next woman you date add a feminine touch. She will love helping you

New member!

Honestly let her look ridiculous 😂 she’s only embarrassing herself

New member!

It would win 🏆 absolutely terrible

New member!

“Unless it’s clubbing in the early 2010s” 💀

my thought exactly why does this lady want to wear the most dated tacky unflattering inappropriate cringeworthy thing possible!!?

Omg I love your ring. I know nothing about this issue you’re second guessing nor see anything wrong with the setting just wanted to say I love your ring

Your story just kept getting better and better and better