You either like to lead or like being lead. Some strive in independence, and others with SOPs.

Forbidden Door is an extravaganza. You're showcasing 4 companies. You need matches to showcase them all.

[Dolmajian, who is in his 40s, approached the group and they had a conversation that turned into an argument, Sgt Byrne said. There had been no contact between them prior to this.

One of the group allegedly struck Mr Dolmaijan a number of times and others interjected. The group then made their way to O’Connell Street Upper.

The alleged victim got back to his feet and also went to O’Connell Street where there was another “interaction” a short time later which became hostile.

They were separated and the group stayed on O’Connell Street where Mr Dolmajian again approached them, Sgt Byrne said.

One of the group pushed him and he stumbled and fell, after which Mr Danca allegedly “hit him to the face with a running kick.” This was a “full force blow” which gardai believed was the reason for Mr Dolmajian’s condition.

The court heard there was CCTV footage from various locations capturing all the interactions.]

Yo why we always abusive to these bots?

  1. I would get smaller helmet. Paddings generally soften with wear, and you will feel better in a few weeks of using it.

  2. From what I understand, helmets generally come in 3 sizes. It's the padding inside that changes the sizing further. Maybe get bigger padding in a bigger helmet, or smaller padding in smaller helmet.

Yueh Tung was my home during my university days in 2008. Real good and cheap food with student specials, will probably drop by some time again.

I absolutely anticipate prices to come down further. Maybe another $100k more; I don't anticipate any more than that.  

New buyer isn't buying $2M+ homes. Existing buyers are, and they will likely have the capital to show for it. 

Huttonville showing average sold for $1.65M, yet average bought price in 2020 here was $1.1M. 

Great neighbourhood, by the way. Haters be damned.

Bagholders of Q1 2022 need to be documented by David Attenborough.

Average sold price of $2.5M and underbidding by $200k?

Oh no, we are DOOMED.

AEW is my kinda Chaotic and Unorganized.

Someone said it best, AEW is sink or swim, and it's for professionals, not a developmental or a company that'll give you floaty throughout your every move. Just don't get too comfortable or they'll take your floaty away.

Some thrive in freedom and being a leader, some thrive in being told what to do and be a follower. Is this news?

What's sad and funny is the DLC would've sold millions.

I don't play GTA Online, but I would've bought the DLC.

With a bag of crack cocaine sprinkled with the ashes of his brother.

All because of the color of the skin.

These guys are as toasted in their head as Lucky Strikes.

Salty folks in the chat. Why?

I can't wait to see them do wonders at ROH.

Oh no, you don't need 50A.  

Honestly, just get the mobile connector and get 40A breaker (which goes upto 32A). Any electrician who knows how to setup washer/dryer can do this for you. 

Also, that 100A panel will be a serious bottleneck if you go 50A (half the panel dedicated to Tesla? Tough). You may need to upgrade to 200A.

Ask someone who can do both panel upgrade and NEMA 14-50 outlet in garage.

I've been this show. Your neigubours are entering your home using a secret passage in that area.

Finally finished Borderlands 3.

Finally played NHL24 and it's as frustrating as NHL08-18.

Finally played Among Us and people are still as dumb as a rock in this game. 

Fun while it lasted. Will probably jump back in later with friends.

" The custom-built home was originally sold in March 2022 for $2.55 million".  

 Say no more, fam. Another man shot down by Q1 2022 market.

Good. Condos should be absolutely affordable by anyone in GTA. We should not have working class people on the verge of homelessness with every negative paycheque.


  • Condos should be $250K - $400K
  • Townhomes should be $400K - $600K
  • Semi should be $600K - $800K
  • Detached should be $800K - $1.1M+

If AEW does the whole "We have a new CEO. And it's not Mone" angle, and then Shane walks out... lmao

Make it LEGO. Should be easier to animate, and can look exactly like the new game coming out.

This was probably releasing this year with the game, but timing is so off that they rather cancel it. Oh well...

Oh boy. Hilarious article.

Moved to Penhold, Alberta which is an hour plus away from Calgary. Husband is a real estate agent. Of course they will rave about it lol.