Sounds like he is new and still gets a touch of euphoria from working hard and accomplishing something. He’ll get there.

This video is the reason there was a dojo in every strip mall.

Writing daily letters requesting McRibs be on the dollar menu permanently. Shit, I am projecting.

I am glad that she was able to illustrate that wasn’t pulling a scam by hiding cheese under the chips.

Because I remember that one they made us all choose our sexuality in homeroom. We all had to stay with the choice we made. I wasn’t sure what I was attracted to before that moment.

Hopefully it was broken and they just needed it out of there.

Probably in the other malls though lolol I definitely remember a pinball pete’s in Frandor though. 90’s.

I am so old that Aladin’s Castle was the first thing I thought of lol

Works on weak minded stormtroopers though.

It’s now… time… for the chess, event.

Nose, toes, watch, wallet. Just move your wallet to the right side.

Reddit will be sued by her sister for allowing this intellectual property to be posted.

Sounds like Robert Duvall a little.