What’s a cishet? I guess I just happen to have a different take on this kind of stuff, but one that’s from same value system and background that my wife had. So it’s worked out fine thanks.

Level 992. Soon. Soon.

And get a STD test done. You are now an accumulation of all her sexual partners including that last dude she was raw dogging while dating you.

Wrong - she also is an accumulation of the last dudes sexual partners as well.

If Planned Parenthood were killing puppies I would be upset as should anyone. They have no remit to do so and it would be just weird.

I dunno- it’s impossible to give advice on this subject because everyone is different and every relationship is different. My wife said it at 3 months and I said it two weeks later.

But then we’d just be left with politics, cats, and people being judgy like yourself.

Thanks be to God he has a cheese drawer

The big mad this is awesome head on her 😂😂😂

If you look at these types of subs you can see

  • clear cut and paste karma farming

  • genuine content

  • content which is fake

  • misogyny

  • misandry

  • cognitive bias

Now you can decide where and to what degree these features / posts have these and to what degree.

But only one 100% applies to all.

The touch her heart thing is because she may want to impress you with her anaerobic or aerobic capacity, so it depends on which she was doing before she asked.

The “could you squat me” is probably the same game I see women asking this guy at the gym regularly. He told me it’s because he’s really good at squats and has been working his gluteus maximus a lot more now at weekends.

The chats on WhatsApp are confusing. I’ve never been texted by a woman except maybe once in ‘21 around Covid when taking an online course in a Celion Dion History course.

And also, please be careful as crushing women is illegal in most states.

This is a tricky one. If she wished the baby dead, knew this would cause Nazar, she also then knew what she wished for might come true. This is all premised on her believing in her religion. But if she does believe in her religion, she has no need of asking Reddit because of course, she knows only God has the answer and that is seeking her Gods forgiveness through forgiveness of her husband. This is typical of a lot of monotheist religions. It’s a take on eye for an eye, do on to others as you would have done on to you etc etc.

But if she’s asking Reddit, she doesn’t believe in all of what she’s told by her societies construct of God.

I think he disrespects you because you are a stripper. Because that’s what it is - disrespectful. Most guys do not go around with that on their phone.

Wait- most people thought this was real and the one where the guy gets revenge on his cheating girlfriend was rage bait 😂😂😂😂😂

Why is everyone calling this rage bait, fake and calling OP out? We see plenty of similar extreme behaviour detailed by women of men, yet because the OOP had some agency and did something ?

Given his past relationship experiences, it sounds like he’s not willing to go down that road again. Also, I find your OP confusing. At first you liked to exchange images etc, then you say life got in the way, and you then also mention suffering from body dysmorphia, but not at the beginning? Saying life is getting in the way is often what is said when dead bedrooms start to develop. If he was to read your OP, it would not reassure at all.

There is always a way. Biden steps down as current POTUS, Kamala steps in, gets the donor support lined up for Biden, and gets the presumptive nomination. There are other ways too, but they all as first step require Biden to withdraw. Aug 12th is the actual deadline for putting names on a ballot as I recall. Any other claim as you’ve made is patently untrue.

This - keep your distance and use footwork, assuming you are using a two handed weapon. Alternatively switch to a single handed secondary like the one handed mace.

Prolly cause their friend came online and they off to create a party?