Gameplay is never an issue for me i just need story and and a bit look able graphics even if it is 2d i dont care it just need good story for me atleast like hallow knight games dead cells etc

Thx just need to take some time from my studies to play it

can someone explain me how to play persona games ??Help

can someone explain me what are they about and what style of game is it and at what order should i play them ? Thx

U guys are still crying over doctorship? U didnt saw the parliament debate?

I raise questions on modi because of all this but this cant be denied that our opposition is a hypocrite and biased one they do not visit west bangal nor tamil nadu they didn't even visited the congressman whose daughter was killed by a guy so instead of countering a question with a question and defend a politician we all should answer sensibly cause questioning a question will create another universe

Dont he will lead you too best rune farm which will help you level up

Finally someone with good knowledge everybody here was just licking his shoes , i also wanna support opposition but they are beint hypocrite for very long he did said hindus are violent it was clear + he was just spitting words without facts and source and was making stories like kid muje ek ladki milii ye vo , and he just talked about neet like for 2 % of his total speech and was pointing useless thing + should have not bringinged the images but these boot licker of his wont understand

I have also watched the entire speech live and they only panned the camera when he was showing images of gods which is not allowed in the parliament + ur rahul g was making comments without facts so i really wanted to support him but this guy is just a kid who takes ratta of answers before exams and then spit it on the answer sheet without thinking

True but its more practically accurate in terms of thriller matches

Good just keep selection to hard and play according to your skills its like practically accurate

Guess he just defeating bosses not wanting to explore anyway its fun