Not on Unsolved Mysteries but Maura Murray. Whatever happened to her is chilling. On Unsolved Mysteries, the story of Cindy Anderson (season 2, episode 13) is especially unsettling. She went to work at a law firm and just vanished while reading a romance novel. She came from a very religious background, had a nice boyfriend, was heading to college, and got along well with her family. No reason for her to just walk away. The creepiest part is that there was unrelated "I Love You, Cindy!" graffiti sprayed in the strip mall complex where she worked!

Also, Nyleen Marshall went missing in 1983 while on a camping trip with family in Montana. Then, her mother, who was featured on UM, was raped and murdered in Mexico City hotel room in 1995. Both cases are still unsolved and Nyleen is either presumed dead or is missing. Absolutely the worst circumstances for their family!

Americans love fake drama but he's generally a nice guy. He knows what he's doing and his critiques are only to be helpful (on the British TV shows he actually gives great advice. The British version of Kitchen Nightmares is very good).

Nothing wrong with being at waiter either. Food service is an incredibly difficult and often thankless job. You're being paid based on how much people like you and it's no easy dealing with the long hours and low pay. Maybe the OP should get a restaurant job before slamming his friend's employment choice.

ESH. Making fun of someone's height is so childish and making fun of someone's financial situation (it's HARD out there for most people. At least your friend is working!) is extremely cold-hearted. And there are plenty of women who don't care how much money a guy makes or how tall he is.

This is the correct take. 10 of them on the field could have scored and they didn't do enough. France too. France had the clear advantage of just being better at penalties but this isn't a dig at Portugal's skill level either.

Penalties are a mixture of luck and skill. But mostly luck. In practice sessions, he probably would have scored it but the added pressure of being on the brink of elimination (and certainly Slovenia's shootout with them) must have contributed to the anxiety. I feel bad for him.

He's a young guy so he'll hopefully have plenty more chances to redeem himself. But it has to suck that he lost it for them.

Definitely makes planning birthday parties easier! Two of my uncles had the same birthday but were 3 years apart and they had joint birthday parties for years as kids.

France's team is full of hotties. Griezmann and Olivier are at the top of the list!

NTA, it is extremely tacky (at least in most Western cultures) to propose marriage or announce a pregnancy at a wedding. Your ex-friend may be a good guy but he has terrible manners. And public proposals are so cringeworthy because it basically traps the other person into saying yes for fear of not embarrassing the other person. But if this person has been your friend for a long time, it is worth talking to him again and not throwing away your entire friendship.

Classic emotionally abusive examples telling you what to wear and who to talk to. And if he's adding women on social media he's looking for something outside of his marriage and/or he's already cheated on you. Men who are controlling start small and then you look up and he's isolating you from friends, family, and work.

Please take care of your mental and physical health. Your husband is a tool and clearly only cares about his satisfaction. Under no circumstances should anyone do anything intimate with their partner or spouse if they don't want to. Not your job to be a 24/7 sex object to your husband.

NTA, they've either had sex or have strongly considered during something intimate together. If he were 18 and pull this off, he might be excused for being stupid and immature but by 28, they both should know better.

Or you could propose to him. Screw patriarchy! Marriage is a huge commitment and at 24, you may not be ready.

The best offense is a good defense as the saying goes. France must be pulling some magic tricks on top of their extraordinary composure. There isn't a singular star on France's team. Everyone plays for the sake of the team. Definitely not mad about the outcome so far.

Need to go drink that bottle of malbec I bought. Kroos, Mueller, and Neuer all played their final game as a trio. I wanted so badly for Germany to win but not at Spain's expense. Hard being a fan of both teams. Either way it's joy and heartbreak.

Argentina and Germany's final WC in 2014 lives rent free in my head. Huge fan of both teams, wanted both to win, sheer joy and heartache at the outcome. And that's why I love soccer!

End of an absolute era. My respect and total admiration for what he's done for international football and for Germany! Maybe he'll come back as a commentator or a coach!

Build this man a statute! And my respect for the French goalkeeper too, though Costa is a legend in his own right.

Watch them sneak into the finals with Germany gone! And I say this as a massive German and French fan.

France is one of a very few teams in Europe that can actually score penalties. They train these like crazy for these exact moments. The only reason they lost the World Cup against Argentina is because Argentina is absolutely boss at penalties.

My announcer in Spanish kept screaming "41 years old! Pepe is 41 years old! He's half his age!" when he mauled down one of the French players near the goal during extra time. I have so much respect for his level of athleticism!