I did ethics and it turned me off of philosophy, contributed to my depression, and made me misanthropic

Discovered dialectics years later and learned how to think and also cured my depression. Philosophy is cool!

As a Marxist leninist, what on earth are you talking about?

It became the basis of the CIA's information warfare on everyday Americans

You're literally right, OP. Don't change your view

I teach Middle school. The amount of kids who say "I have depression/autism/ADHD, therefore..." Fill in the blank. I have an oral fixation. I bite my nails. I say rude things. I have a hysterical tantrum.

People are not equipped to understand that it's the other way around, that they were diagnosed as a description of their maligned behavior. They do not have a pathology or biological structure that causes them to act this way.

They act this way, and so they were diagnosed so that insurance/medicare could be properly billed, which is the only real point of the DSM.

Its a form of biological essentialism thats become very popular. It's more than horoscopes imo. It's a way to infantilize a huge chunk of the population and deprive them of their willpower. This is of course ruinous to their future prospects in life, as they no longer seek treatment or attempt to partake in pro-social behaviors. At best they might be sold back their willpower by the self help industry at some later point. It's also breaking down the social fabric, as these objectively destructive behaviors become normalized.

I say this as someone who employs a more autistic and blunt interpersonal communication style, who is easily overstimulated, etc. I believe in making the world better for people like me, with structure and creative outlets, not in indulging our impulses or subjecting ourselves or others to our sensitivities

Yes, the 3 conditions for being a contributor to this website, as everyone knows: older than 20, actually American, and not a tankie (What does that mean?) or a Donald Trump fan.

Thank you for your checking in. I do qualify for making comments under these stipulations. But it's important to check.

Theres also a lot of yale-brained intellectuals who DO support US foreign policy.

Many of them tell themselves that sovereign wealth is evil because nationalism is evil cuz the Nazis called themselves that. They get taught in neolib poli-sci classes that a nation controlling its own resources is somehow myopic, because we live in a global community. And they aren't educated about what that global community means as far as international cartels snatching up everything. They have this very liberal cosmopolitan view that we should have an open society to collectively work together.

Also, the American mode of rooting for the underdog has become transmuted to rooting for the wilderness against mankind's strivings. Which is so unfortunate because now the left-wing types, historically the wing that supported the underdog against the cartels, will now support those very cartels in their attempts to keep people poor and unindustrialized, because it saves mother earth or some bullshit. 

The least "formally educated" Americans are the ones who call for NATO to be disbanded, and they're called extremists, Putin supporters, right wing, communists, and are otherwise disenfranchised by the intellectuals and the elite

This is only partially true. They are no longer in the business of securing resources. That was the old imperialism.

Now they're in the business of keeping that shit in the ground. The cartels that run America do not want any resources extracted and used for sovereign wealth. It's a much safer bet to destroy, sow chaos, and leave, and that's why they hate Russia and China so much more than the old imperial rivals of Germany, England, France.

The weird thing about the 1950 reactionaries is that there's two opposing camps of it actually. There's the neocon/blue alliance in the state&media that hates Trump, hates Putin, thinks NATO should be everywhere, etc.

Then there's the everyday plebs/"classical liberals" who forgot about the racism and just want the manufacturing and infrastructure and development back, who hate China and want to be isolationist.

It's a shame because we're going to need to work with China AND Russia while scaling back on war production if we want to be a manufacturing powerhouse and a developing civilization once more.

Knock knock "Nice country you have here. Would be a shame if something were to happen to it"

And if the country says no, the cartel destroys the country with sanctions and bombings, and if they say yes, the cartel moves a military base in and slowly chokes the country to death with debt. Win-win for the cartel. Lose-lose for the globe.

Americans don't want that shit. Weirdest Americans are the pro-NATO Americans. I think they're traitors and dweebs. None of us know how to put a stop to it

They were working the jews to death in the war machine on Russia. So yeah. The point of the war was "living space" ie destroy russia and take the land for germans

they weren't just "trying to kill" that's a very infantile view

I'm ashamed of getting this immediately, and now need to take a step back from this whole thing

Competitive capitalism is great. Except it's bound by competition (which has winners and losers) to lead to monopoly capitalism. And if you crushed your competition on the way to the top to being a mega corporation, would you:

a. let new competitors keep arising out of the populace's innovators

b. collude with the other mega corps to fix prices and control the supply chain, form a political body to defend your interests, pay to elect the people who represent your interests, pay them to form laws that protect your interests, regulate all the small businesses out of existence, hire all the now-jobless innovative people and force them to sign NDAs, ruthlessly crush any remaining independent innovators with your policy, and now face no competition to your rule

You choose

People are trained from birth in America to HATE communism, which has historically proven to be the one alternative/path forward. We are POISONED against that word and the countries that developed a "communist" system

In particular, I don't know any born and bred American who thinks China is a good place to live, which is CRAZY because it's now developing way beyond our country. Retirement age of 55. They live longer. Their children are smarter and healthier. Their central government has a 95% approval rate (this is according to western polls, not their own polls). But if you mention that, Americans will say they brainwashed everyone there. How you can brainwash a billion people into supporting your system, idk. America can't do that with the most powerful media in the world. Maybe it's the fact that their grandparents grew up in a peasant backwater, and their great grandparents were ruled by British and Japanese fascists who enslaved and drugged everyone, and now they are the global tech leaders, eat good, and own their own houses (90% OWN their homes) that "brainwashed" them

So we've been brainwashed against the polity that could be a huge ally and inspiration. We'll never have the collective mindset of China, but their policies and institutions are working, but Americans are not ALLOWED to see this. Just look at how people respond to this comment, if anyone sees it! "CHINA BAD!"

Lastly, I'll add that today's "forward thinkers," revolutionaries, and communists are a bunch of anti-American freaks who support cosmopolitan globohomo. They HATE their fellow americans and use communism as a bogeyman against their neighbors. They are destructive, anti-social champions of the marginalized. They build nothing. They spread chaos. They're woke racists. They hate men. They suck. So anyone who wants to make change gets captured by this group, who pretend to be very moral, very champion of the minority, very driven by equality and tolerance, but ultimately spread austerity and social division

If you're a capitalist, are you going to invest in setting up a state to defend your interests via violence and IP, or are you going to just compete and hope for the best? Politicians exist at the behest of capital

I think people think that the people's "nationalist" support for those families were the driving force of the war. Schools also love to blame the masses of people for every problem under the sun (to elide the role of the elite), so they emphasize that the people viewed themselves as one nation with the elite.

The stupid part about that is that the same "ideology" of national cohesion united China against the Japanese imperialists and the Soviets against the nazis. It united Americans against Japan. Clearly the more important thing is like, what the elites are doing and what they want to accomplish.

They use it as a synonym for fascism, which actually means the globohomo, cosmopolitan elites waging endless war to destroy the possibility of a middle class, and has nothing to do with wanting a strong nation. They also use it to mean jingoism, which means warmongering (which makes a nation weaker over time). They also use it to mean isolationism, which is basically meaningless because it has no concrete reality in 2024. Even North Korea trades with Russia and China. Their most coherent definition is, like you said, some kind of super-patriotism. That means being a fan of the nation while ignoring its faults.

The stupidest thing about that last use of nationalism is that conservatives using it are acknowledging the faults of the country -- namely that we have lost the cohesion of our country in order to become a cosmopolitan war racket. It's a call to make the country unified and support our people first. And unless it's said by a wignat, we mean ALL Americans

Yeah, it's wild. As if the nazis weren't the ultimate globalists. They united europe to destroy Russia

I'm a working person so everything that I buy is bought with my life. If a thief steals from me they are stealing my time on earth.

 I think it's sad that you don't respect working people or yourself

I can't believe these jabronis think that someone is entitled to get away with stealing lunch without repercussions. Ridiculous

They poisoned themselves by eating poison LOL what are you talking about. I mean this whole situation is completely fake, but still

 human beings are entitled to defend themselves and if that person was strong enough they probably should have beaten up the thief. Do you live so far up the ass of legal structures that you think people don't get to solve their own conflicts anymore? You know like cops can't do anything until it crosses a threshold of wealth stolen? So you actually have to take it into your own hands if you want anything to happen. And I'm not even talking in the realm abstract human rights that only exist in our spirit. I'm saying people can defend their property with force. They're legally entitled to do that and that doesn't make it vigilante justice.

Now factor in that a person might not be able to physically defend themself and maybe laxatives don't seem that bad. Frankly I find you ridiculous

If you were on the jury something is gone very wrong because the judge hasn't thrown the case out before it got to trial. In fact it probably never even makes it to the desk of a judge, it's such a stupid case. In fact you can't even call it a case.