They didn't look fine. Lots of dying lower leaves. It's my first grow, so I've been avoiding any defoliation or pruning except dead/dying leaves, but they went from totally healthy to lower leaves falling off when I picked them up.

Looks like N deficiency within a week of switching. Pots became very light, and the res barely went down after a day.


Went back to top watering with runoff for now. Runoff was pH 6.5, EC 2.25.

Yeah I confirmed all 4 wick lines (2 plants) are dangling in the water before placing the plants back. 5 gallon pots, and each wick is slightly longer than 18". Washed and placed on the bases while still wet.

They seem to be drinking better today with only grow big and tiger bloom, no big bloom in the reservoir.

Thanks! I may need to switch to more water-soluble nutes.

I'm pretty sure OP was making a joke, but "the only thing" is entirely wrong. Here's another similarity: both are designed to be fun for driving enthusiasts.

Assuming it's a joke bc VAG owns Porsche, and GTIs are like a little baby Porsche in some sense.

Same. Bought mine 8 years ago, and I am pretty much stuck in my house, especially after my great refi rate in 2021..

Did you figure this out? I'm also using FF trio in soil (30% perlite), in week 5 of flower. Switched to these bases hoping to bottom feed. They were drinking from the reservoir great for a few days but seemed to stop. I'm thinking the big bloom, which is organic, clogged the wicks. They were chugging water being in full flower, so a lot of big bloom was going in the wicks.

For now I went back and did top watering with runoff as usual, then I emptied, cleaned and filled the reservoir only with grow big and big bloom (+ calmag and hydroguard which I always add, too). Everything at half strength. I'm hoping they will drink that from the wicks with no issues. I've read some drop big bloom altogether because it can smell horrible in a reservoir due to its organic nature. I think top watering with some big bloom weekly might help keep supplying that great guano/castings without causing wicking issues.

My plants are starting week 5 of flower. Their root tips are already sticking out of the bottom of the (AC Iinfinity) fabric pots after sitting on the bases for less than a week, so their roots are plenty sufficient I think. They were draining the reservoir quickly, a gallon every day or 2, until I checked on them today. I expected to need to add more to the reservoir, but it had plenty of water, and the pots were very light - felt like they do before I hand water them.


What nutes do you feed, and are you bottom feeding them or do you still top water?

Thank you!

When you say nutrients, which nutrients are you using? I'm using FF soil and their trio nutrients. 5 weeks into flower I tried to switch to these bases, and within a week they went from draining the reservoir a gallon every day or 2 to barely draining it at all. Just changed the wick before lights off, and I'm hoping they look okay when the lights go back on. I'm wondering if the FF big bloom is clogging the wicks? It's much thicker and "organic", and I've read others having trouble with organic feed clogging lines.

Otherwise I'm just going to go back to top feeding as soon as the lights are on again. They were doing great, and now they're not.

What nute line did you use when bottom feeding the coco with these bases? My FF trio seems to be clogging it. Possibly the Big Bloom that is liquid castings/guano.

Do you feed nutes from the bottom, too? If so, what kind?

So you water and feed only from the bottom once they're big enough?

Would you mind telling me what soil/medium you use and what nutrients? Or is it an organic grow that only needs water from below?

Wow, would you mind a few questions?

I'm using FF trio and kept using big bloom. I also add their calmag. Everything at 1/2 strength. Only other thing is Hydroguard. I just switched a crop 5 weeks into flower from hand watering to these bases. After 6 days, the pots were dry and light. They had stopped wicking!!

FF Big Bloom is more muddy than Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. What mess did you have? I wonder if it's already clogging my wicks so fast? I pick the pots up every day, no roots in the wicks. Others have had similar issues with organics and wicks, and apparently Big Bloom is organic?

That was my concern, too. Good to know that, as long as you can keep it nice and slow, it should be fine.

I'd keep an eye on it to see if other leaves show up similarly or if it continues to worsen. Otherwise, the plant seems plenty happy. You'll probably never know what happened here, but it seems isolated.

I was just thinking, if my neighbor did this, gosh they'd probably have some really terrible luck with birds? constantly pecking tiny, destructive holes in the cameras.

Damn that sucks. I added a second s6 to my tent and wasn't thrilled about spending $50 on an oscillating fan, but at least it integrates with wifi controls, I tell myself. No way I'd pay $100 for it, though.

Since it's your first grow, I think you should keep going and learn as much as you can. You may be pleasantly surprised with the outcome (early preflower - tons of growth left!), and your next grow will benefit from all the experience.

The a6 is $40 USD in the US, and it's 15% with an Amazon coupon right now. Does it really cost that much in Europe? Even the s6 is quite a bit less than 70€.

What are you growing them in, and what do you plan to use as the medium in their final container?

Looks beautiful, but that's a very long flowering.