It’s the government that enacts those restrictions that prevent others from competing fairly, not companies.

I don’t blame the companies for acting in their own interests, the problem lies in government having too much power that allows the politicians to succumb to the lobbying.

Cold thermally conductive and dense

Not AI but quite likely a 3D render

It was a free money, a few thousand dollars, the only consequence was your yearly living expenses increased by more than a few thousand dollars, every year, for the rest of your life.

Surely if a doctor gives you drugs he has prescribed them 🤨

Can’t you see you guys are the cult? nobody mentioned trump but you two. Just because he said ‘liberals are dumb’ the other guy goes an a rant about trump.

Yous have been brainwashed to think everyone who isn’t a leftist is crazy, when the rest of the world can see how crazy your side has become(and gets worse even year)

Can confirm.. happened at our corner shop. Coca Cola team came and showed tricks and ran a wee competition of who could do the best tricks.

Then the guy who won the golden spinner dropped in down the drain and some other kid climbed down to get it. Fight ensued. Fun times

Actually the conservatives just have to keep their mouth shut or the unhinged liberals will have their job

lol are they downvoting because you said liberals?

I’ve seen that video and you’re not wrong. Most liberals are financially illiterate, hence their political stance.

Back in the days where all the value was in the coins metal itself, it wasn’t rare to find half and quarter coins that have been cut, so I don’t see a problem with that.

Inner ring is 50p and the outer ring is 50p

Ignore the fact that he had extremely high levels of fentanyl in his system, ignore the fact that he was saying I can’t breathe before they even had him on the ground, ignore the fact that the reason is he was put on the ground was that he became violent.

You refer to him as a victim, I was just pointing out that there was a lot more people that were a victim of him than he was ever a victim.

He is not someone worth supporting, even idolising like some do. It was all a political stunt coming up to the previous election, and I’d consider that police man a political prisoner.

I didn’t mention trump, I was just pointing out George Floyd had an extensive criminal history including many acts of violence, contrary to what your comment suggests.

No rivers are ever dyed green here in Ireland 🤷‍♂️

You’ve got that backwards.. George Floyd had an extensive history of violent crimes, including holding a pregnant woman hostage with a knife.

Wasn’t the guy who did a burnout on the rainbow crosswalk arrested for a hate crime?

I grew up in Northern Ireland so have first hand experience. Can’t comment on the other as I’m not familiar with it.

That would be using the government’s manipulated figures. In reality it’s much more.