imagine court is July 8th and she is lying saying it was today 😂 Melany knows when court is because her brother is involved

my understanding is there are police reports but no official charges as of yet while they investigate and it does take time.

I saw that every comment was calling her out it was great we know she will dirty delete Melany comes with receipts

Melany said court was July 8th not today

her downfall is progressing and now Melany has the full unedited video on her insta which shows the real truth, you even hear S apologizing and she knew what the fight was for. Maybe more people and mods will open their eyes and I hope any mods that expose her will be sure to inform everyone that gifts. We need more people speaking up!

I think it was like TlbRemk and then there was a bunch more random letters and numbers- but who knows she may have changed it again too

she is literally just trying to hype herself up by saying master bedroom haha. That place looks tiny as can be and is ugly and I bet her kids room is also way smaller

Anti feeds into the rumors and they follow them all so he was just doing that to go along with them. She didn’t buy though. I seriously think Anti drama right now is all bs since a neighbor told the truth

Never doubted you for a second Melany. That b is really reaching TAKE HER DOWN we all support you

not to mention her son was called out on april 25 and what happened to her not knowing Melany supposedly. A really bringing on the lies and thinking she is untouchable she better just wait cause karma is the best revenge for Melany and the victims of her son

she has so many filters applied to her face and to whiten her teeth and the lips now that she looks ridiculous and she actually believes she is hot 🤣

keep going everyone! These gifters need to know what kind of vile person she is

Right haha A not only changed the name on the account but shows up after losing so bad for hours. Then says she doesn’t gift herself

Yessss keep going and report her live every single person keep reporting her live for minor safety as well

Yeah she is trying to promote it thru tiktok shop meaning she bought it

Go to their tiktok I have not even heard of them anyway and spam their comments

Perfect way to say it! her life is so lonely and she has no genuine friends or support, I feel her mom was just as whacky as she is now and that nobody on tt is a friend they just use her to get traction and hate gifts and she mistakes that for friendship. when the app is gone she is screwed

She may move but has nothing to do with fear or safety, but I do think if she ends up moving her son being in trouble is a major reason for it esp cause he has the arson charge. As far as the money I think she makes good money BUT at the same time a large portion of it goes back to tiktok to buy followers and to gift herself from fake accounts or have her son gift her. She feels being relevant and in rankings is more important than saving or using it for bills- it makes her feel like she is a big deal and I truly believe she is so mental she actually feels famous so anything to get more people into her lives even if it is 90% haters just gives her that attention that she clearly never got. I feel like growing up was the same way, she prob told a lot of stories for attention even if it was negative and lies

right trying so hard to defend A despite the truth and receipts right there

exactly clearly an Adrielle lover that needs to leave this page and is shaming others who have been victims of A or her son

Ok sure you know you are not convincing anyone about anything at this point right? Anyone with half a brain knows that A and whatever karma comes her way is her own doing

common sense also tells you a lot. Mel’s sister is not on social media after all this. S was on his account one day after he was beaten up so badly but looked perfectly fine getting high and YES someone did post that video. Then you hear him being coached by A and goofing around and saying yes I want a housewarming gift, sorry not sorry but talk about an entitled kid who is just going along with A for money cause that’s what it boils down to. Don’t know why you are so against Dalton or Melanie but last time I checked this page is not for your personal problem with them. It’s about exposing and awareness for Adrielle and what she is doing wrong and her son is in this because SHE brought him in and people like you who doubt are reasons why other victims don’t come forward. It’s a personal matter and we are not privvy to the details from the investigation but the real audio from the fight and the words I heard told me what it was about and the fact he got suspended because the school had reason to suspend him also tells me A lied about it all

someone who made over 200 videos on a fight and her gofundme in the bio even though she has wanted to live for a year now and then instead of showing up to court on the date of this she gets drunk all night long and doesn’t show. That makes sense right! She had plenty of time to make videos, but not to show up and why? cause she knows charges will be dropped with the real video? cause she knows the real reason for the fight will be said during court?