The CDC is a joke! Instead of leading/guiding people to the best prevention strategies, they follow society. Since the majority of people no longer mask or test, the CDC no longer prioritizes these things. Thankfully, some of us are smart enough to know better.

Not necessarily. I lost my smell and taste from something other than covid. My antigen tests, PCR, and antibody testing for covid all came up negative. Both my primary and ENT doctors said my case was caused by a different pathogen. I also lost my smell and taste when I was a child from what I remember to be a cold. That was over 30 years ago and I don't recall how long it took to return.

Are they bothering you? Do you have any pain or throat discomfort? How long have you had them for? You could try gargling with salt water three times a day for a week and see if there's any improvement. If not, I suggest calling your doctor. I had a couple recently that went away over several months, but I did go see an ENT. I was able to get rid of them on my own.

I recently registered on a couple of online dating sites and noticed so many extroverted men also. I am an introvert who is not adventurous or outdoorsy, except I really enjoy taking walks in the woods. That's about as outdoorsy as I get.