They should close the servers and apologise to the public for the stupid game they have developed. What a nonsense way of destroying a well known and respected brand as Rocksteady.

I am now playing Alan Wake Remasterd and hopefully Alan Wake 2 later

you definitely have the same mentality as the people in the article, you see common sense as a huge victory, no that is just basically common sense. Quitting a bad relationship is not a bad idea is just common sense you just do it and it's not a big deal it is something you have to learn from. What is a big deal is working hard on finding a good person and build something strong together. The red flags if it is toxic are everywhere initially you just need to focus on them not on temporary emotions.

What the AI says about the new Angela's character designDiscussion

Considering there was a huge controversy about the new design for some characters of SH2 I decided to ask chat gpt this : " What impression the picture of this person gives you?".

It says about the old design:

The person in the picture gives an impression of someone who is serious and somewhat somber. The neutral to slightly intense expression, combined with the soft lighting and muted colors, suggests a contemplative or melancholic mood. The hairstyle and clothing add to a somewhat understated and reflective appearance.

and about the new design:

The person in this picture appears approachable and somewhat expressive. The turtleneck sweater and the hairstyle give a casual, yet thoughtful impression, possibly indicating a personality that is both warm and introspective.

which of them you feel suits better with the character personality?

"there are certain life milestones that society should better recognise, including running a marathon, leaving an unhealthy relationship or quitting a job."

The article is full of nonsense things like this, I mean I can of course recognise the marathon but why should be important to recognise leaving an unhealthy relationship or quiting a job? Why did you start that relationship? why not better recognise starting a relationship and learn to love a good person? that's definitely more important than destroy a relationship, destroy is easy and fast what is difficult is building a deep relationship, that take years, patience and many challenges.

Same for the job, why quitting a job is something good? , it is important to get a good job and keep it, not quitting from any job, that is just as simple as not going.

I would like to try it actually do you know if it is on extra?

it's great I love it especially the controller and not having loading screens at all.

In terms of games there are so many great games, but honestly I feel that because I only play 10 hours a weekor so, so there are still many games that I have in my backlog.

If I would play 8 hours a day probably I would feel that there are not that many games but I believe that playing too much is unproductive, is good to also do other stuff during your free time.

I really want to play MGS again after 25 years but I am afraid that the control can be very annoying . How do you guys have felt after playing that game again? and the second part?

i didn't know they opened so many fast food places in silent hill recently

so true I bought an expensive msi with windows and lasted just 3-4 years... the macbook pro from 2015 is second hand and works amazingly well.

However considering that there are many differrnt brands that can use Windows the title is a bit unfair.

That’s the big issue: there are so many roadworks in places that were fine instead of fixing the persistent potholes.

Too many works at the same time?Discussion

It's so annoying to drive in the city lately.

They have closed loads of streets.

The junction of Cowgate and St. Mary/ Pleasance makes you wait 30 min just because they've been working on the streetlight for a week! I guess it is because of the LEZ plate readers but seriously more than 1 week? I've seen the kid who is working on it always alone, and I wonder why there isn't more personnel there to keep it clear much faster.

I recommend you a MS in CS, another MS in CM, a third MS in CA and two Phd, in CS and ML

Exact charge points number and location in the UK?Projects


I wonder if you know where can I get this data?

The national chargepoint registry provides a detailed table with latitude and longitude of all chargepoints, however it only shows 40K of them.

Zapmap on the the hand states that there are more than 60K but it doesn't provides a table with its longitude and latitude or the API.

I don't understand why the national registry shows less than 70% of them.

Thank you very much!

First lesson: don't be an asshole Second lesson: don't use capital letters that way

other japanese films that I enjoyed lately are: Harakiri (1962), Audition (1999), Like father like son (2013) or shoplifters (2018)

Perfect Days (Japanese 2023)SpoilerDiscussion


I have just finished this film and I have really enjoyed it, it's quite good.

I have a question though, I wonder if anyone else thought about this. The critics and public are talking about the film as if it talks just about a simple life, a simple person who enjoy what he does and lives the present even if lives kind of precarious, like in a different age and time ( 80s?)

So the point is, I think that actually he was an alcoholic at some point in the past, as the way he ends drinking the beer it's kind of an alcoholic way, but also this started his bad relationship with his father ( or that relation is what started the addiction) and just talking about him made him very sad and crying.

He then after being a homeless alcoholic like that crazy guy who wanders arounds, he could start a new life as a cleaner living in a poor house, something that doesn't fit with his discipline as he seemed to have been raised educated in a wealthier family.

Does this make sense to anyone? Something really bad that happend to him in the 80s or 90s made him stuck on that time period. The film sometimes make slight references to Trainspotting which is a film about junkies in the 80s, so is the character some sort of an old ex alcoholic ex junkie?

I'm sorry but I read a lotabout it at the time and I remember that the resolution was far from 4k not even upscaled properly like TLOU2/Detroit/ Uncharted 4.. it looked good though but I really would love to play it with proper current gen resolution

so true very stupid mini game that one lol but you can avoid smiling and be happy when you get the chocobo and listen to his sounds , they are so adorable in this game..

ads in general are so disgusting and invasive that I actually hate surfing the web without ad blocker. ( btw people still say surfing the web? lol I have felt old saying it).