It's why I like the movie "Life After Beth" so much. It's literally hell.

feeding the human meat grinder isn't good for GDP eh?

Playing since beta and that's the best ETC skin you have?

I've seen this movie at least a dozen times and I still don't like it as much as I want to.

The dialogue is terrible. The characters are all acting in different movies. The sets and props look like low budget TV sets and props.

Still not surprised Blizzard hasn't touched film since the movie came out.

d[ o_0 ]b

I know they cancelled it but there’s nothing to celebrate anyway

This is one of those things that I take no joy in saying "I told you so" about

And somehow, even in a video game, the rat's a bad special effect

It's pretty amazing how small the game starts and how big it gets. And they're always adding more. One of my favorite current games for sure.

People still working under the assumption that these people give one fuck what the Constitution says?

Provable lies from each and every one and yet they preside in the highest court in the land.

I remember seeing this in theaters and thinking it was pretty funny but probably too wacky to be a hit. Not many other people I knew saw it until it came out on video and by the 2nd movie, opening day was sold out.

I never believe the excuse of "black ice" when I hear it because there's never proof of it. And I've driven in WI long enough to know that simply driving over a patch of ice on a straight road doesn't send you out of control.

Biggs looks like Sgt. Pepper era Ringo Starr

doesn't matter, official act. Next.

I used to eat like this and it's not as boring as it looks and the prep work is easy. Also very healthy. I wish I was better at keeping my diet this clean. But yeah you'll want to live alone because of all the farts.

Billionaires do not want Biden to win. CNN is run by a billionaire.

I love Prometheus, probably watched it half a dozen times myself.