In what way are the great for home lab machines compared to regular desktops or servers? The only benefit is they’re smaller. The cons are they’re more expensive and harder to service. If size isn’t a concern, there’s literally no upside to them compared to other options.

If I had put all my money into t-bills in 2022 because I was worried about market collapse, I would have crushed compared to my actual choices. In 2022 I learned about options and ended up similar to OP. I never recovered and am set back on retirement by 10+ years.

Cons - You pay more to get less than a normal sized desktop.

Pros - they’re smaller

You said there are “no stakes”. If you drink and have to give up something for the $50 per day, there are stakes.

Google “stakes in a bet”. If you give up something you like, you have stakes in the bet, literally by definition.

I think it’s cool you’re psyched to share, but I’m slightly exhausted of seeing you in similar style outfits, in a similar pose, in the same spot, 3x a week, on multiple subs. No hate intended.

That said, I like the grunge look out of these.

You can now join me in preaching to everyone to stake down their tents lol. I had a bad experience like that before and now I try to tell everyone to stake down their tents. No one cares until something like this happens though.

Sorry that happened to you. Glad it was made up for by a good set though!

Your insurance bill is going up no matter who is at fault though, so you better weigh making a claim versus just paying for the damage directly at a repair shop.

Why would you call cops for an injured person? It would probably make more sense to get a paramedic. Such a weird culture in the US to call cops as your first instinct in that situation. Cops aren’t going to charge someone for an unsecured tent anyways, if that what you’re looking for.

The economy is excellent by every measurable metric. Maybe your company just sucks. I don’t mean that as an insult, but just a reality check. My company (I’m not personally a founder) has tens of millions thrown at us every quarter by investors. There’s plenty of free flowing money.

By what metric do you think the economy is bad? Name a stat. I’m happy to learn something, but I’ve looked at this a bit and pretty much all metrics show the economy is super strong.

What lol. That sounds insane to me. My average nvidia price is $28. I work in tech and even directly with nvidia engineers for 15 years now. I cannot imagine thinking their stock is a good all-in buy at this price.

Everyone who doesn’t drink chiming in on this thread to pat yourself on the back lol. Congrats. Most adults in the US drink alcohol. Reddit is such a weird echo chamber.

And I do mean honestly congrats on not drinking, but just seeing every top comment saying “I don’t drink” feels out of touch when a quick google search says 62% of adults in the US drink regularly.

I explained why I think odds are worse now, but that’s fine if you disagree. Essentially my reasoning boils down to it keeps working for companies because consumers keep paying, so the practice is becoming more common.

You don’t think they’ll skip from 18 to 20 like they did 8 to X?

Used to be that way, but the odds of early access working out are way worse now that companies have started to use it to exploit customers. Ksp 2 was never a genuine early access like Ksp 1 where they intended to work on it to completion no matter what. Ksp 2 used early access to fund development and test the waters with the dev team to see if they were capable. They pushed the risk onto customers to mitigate their own and it didn’t work out. That’s how companies are using early access now - to fund early dev work so they can pull out with minimal losses at any point.

Anyways, you for sure still have a point, but I do think customers need to be scrupulous now to avoid scams and really understand the intent of the studio.

As long as you know how to fight, you will be fine.

So how does a deity like me beat a realmshifter dorado with double the ascension levels as my first opponent? Do tell.

I’m pretty good at fighting and think your statement is silly. There are counters to everything. I win 90% of my kingdom war battles on defense and 99% on offense, but there is no way to win consistently against opponents who have double your ascension levels. To say doing that 20 matches in a row is just a matter of knowing how to fight makes it sound like you’re full of it.

To be fair, I’ve only done ~20 coliseums ever, so maybe it’s a numbers game.

I’m deity t11 with 33 ascension levels and tons of celestial stuff unlocked. Never won a coliseum. I just tried again now. Floor one is a t11 realmshifter dorado with 87 ascension levels. I don’t get how you’re supposed to do 20 floors without a single matchup going the other way. There’s a counter to every build and half the people have 2x my ascension levels or more.

Export your workflow to json. Takes two seconds.

Horde dungeons with a group of 4 doing underworld portal (chaos portal is ok too) with max luck. You can get a few scrolls each time and each person can host, so that’s call it

4 hosts x 4 scrolls = 16

and you can reenter the dungeon every 1-2 hours. Combine with alts with way vessels to always have access to underworld portal and you can be getting 16 scrolls every 1-2 hours around the clock.

You can obviously do it with fewer people/hosts, but you just get less scrolls and spend more dungeon keys per scroll.

Dumb to force a title. Senior DevOps at a small company means jack shit. Senior DevOps at Google means 10 years professional experience minimum. You’re not a senior engineer level at big companies, period.

Weigh the salary and opportunity for learning and promotion against what you currently have. Forget the title.

That’s not how that works. It will be 100% bound by the SSD speed to the point a cpu is as fast as the gpu. Not to mention cpu ram can be much larger and than gpu vram and cpu ram is way faster than an ssd.

They had something constructive to add - MTM does not always mean good quality/value. You took that as an attack on this specific brand and then decided to attack their character like a jabroni.

Hot to the touch. People are such babies now with “my phone is so hot”. If it’s actually hot, it’ll shutdown, and even then it’s not that hot on your hand.

Their belts are like an inch thick. Ok not that bad, but they’re seriously on the slightly annoying end of thick. I’ve never had a belt in my life before this brand where I thought it’s too thick. Hanks is at least a quarter inch thick, if not 3/8ths. It’s hard to get it to double back on itself through the fastener and I say that as a pretty strong dude.

Anyways, I like mine, but the thickness is understated on Reddit and took me by surprise.