Not a mercy main, just wondering...

At what point/skill rating does mercy's healing become more effective than her damage boosting, due to the lower accuracy of the dps she would usually be dmg boosting?

Or to put it bluntly.. Having a mercy pocket isn't worth much if the dps can't/won't hit anything. A dmg boosted hanzo who hits stuff is awesome. A dmg boosted hanzo who doesn't hit stuff is even worse than a solo hanzo, since they are being useless in two hero slots now.

So eh... Perhaps you're banking a bit too much on the dps being worth damage boosting, and the game is trying to tell you through individual performance SR, that at your rank you'd be better off with relatively more healing than you're doing now?

Pretty fun to play a Winston flank-tank too, that is, if you can accept the inevitable loss. Try jumping towards your hog and joining him, while he's preparing to flank. They really love that. "Just helping you out, buddy. Us tanks have to play like a team, after all."

Nijmegen has always been run by political parties on the left, imo making it one of the more social and tolerant cities of the Netherlands. I believe Nijmegen to be an excellent choice.

Sidenote: if you've got the money, move to the eastern part of Nijmegen. Not much to do with racism, it's just that the socio-economic positions of those neighborhoods are better than, for instance, in Dukemburg (a neighborhood on the west side).

If you want a big more precise answer on the best neighborhoods, my pm is open.

I don't have to be in a car crash either, te be able to tell you that carcrashes happen.

We've got eyes and ears and can notice things that don't happen directly to us.

Racism, yeah we have that as well. To my knowledge, not really worse or less than any other western/Northern European countries. So yeah, you'll encounter some, but probably not in a way that will impede on your safety. Think more in the line of microagressions. All in all, probably least worst of most multicultural countries.

One thing though... Sinterklaas and black Pete. That's a thing. Google it because even explaining it will make me sound like a racist. Cause it is.

And while a lot of the cities and bigger counties have done away with the racism of black Pete, there are still a lot of towns and places where they are hell bent on dressing up like black Pete, including red lips, black facepaint, the works. They simply won't accept that it's racist, because they have never seen it as such (since you know, they're white) and noone can convince them otherwise. It's their tradition, and I don't see that changing.

In big cities, we're done with that crap, and the Sint's helpers either have smudges on their faces (because of them crawling through chimneys), have their normal skin color, or use colorful facepaint.

They didnt care when OW was on its peak either. They never will, because smurfs means more accounts sold, means more money.

Spa fruit met een half shotje wodka of gin er door. Mijn eigen soort van spritzer.


I hope I can chime in on this.. As a guy, I find that anger is the emotion that's hardest for me to deal with. No problem with me expressing love, happiness, joy, sadness, pain, etc. But anger is hard, because I always feel like I have to walk a thin line with on the one side being able to express my anger, and on the other side not scaring others. I've never punched stuff, I've never threatened someone, to my knowledge I don't even use agresssive bodylanguage (arm movements, closing distance towards the other person). But I'm still a big guys with a deep voice. And it has been told to me on multiple different occasions that just the anger showing in my face, plus an angry and raised tone of voice, is enough to scare others and make them feel unsafe. And then the topic instantly switches to my anger and how that's making others feel, and I'm the bad guy. Often in situations where that anger is justified, and were it someone else showing that anger it would be accepted. Heck, even situations where the other person is just as angry as me.

If there is any emotion I feel like I'm not allowed to express freely (of course never hurting or threatening anyone!), it's anger.

So no, I don't think I fully agree with that 'men get to be agry' sentiment. Atleast not in my social and professional circle.

To add tho; the whole women are just emotional/hormonal thing is disgusting. Yall know anger just as well and should be free to express it.

Lees het artikel eens dan.

De verplichte gedragscode opgelegd door Tata is gewoon in strijd met de eed als raadslid.

OK, maar waarom laat het NRC zo'n achterlijke wetenschapsontkenner überhaupt aan het woord?

Has he spend time living on his own, completely self-reliant and self-caring? Is he in any way familiar with having that mental load of running a household, at any time of his life?

Yeah, but not if they're infected with toxoplasmosis.

Again, stop engaging. Stop replying. Stop answering. Block her. Cut contact.

Sorry to say this, but you're doing the exact same thing as in all your other topics, you're entering a discussion with her. Don't.

State your facts (X is happening, Y isn't) and ignore everything that doesn't align with those boundaries.

or is this just what the show *is*?

Yeah, pretty much. Bunch of mysogynistic assholes who do the 'why wont women date us nice guys?' while continuously displaying sexism towards any woman and toxic masculinity towards eachother.

Bunch of loosers.


Laat Hugo dan eens een rondje door het centrum Den Haag lopen, enkele tabakszaken aandoen, en daar eens in gesprek gaan.

Of laat Hugo de contactgegevens van zijn secretariaat aan wat tabakszaken en afkickklinieken geven, zodat zíj die korte lijntjes tot de beleidsmakers hebben en hun expertise kunnen geven.

Of contact opnemen met het Trimbos. Die (semi-?)overheidsinstantie die zich volgens mij oa met dat soort dingen bezig houdt.

En als hij het écht niet meer weet, kan hij zélf Phillip Morris eens opbellen met zijn vragen. In plaats van dat ze figuurlijk al voor zijn deur kamperen met een goudomrand ingestudeerd praatje.

Allemaal toch net even anders dan met grof geld politici je mening opdringen.

Burgers krijgen één stem eens in de vier jaar. Bedrijven hebben dmv geld continue een luisterend oor in politici.


Vraag het eens aan de burgers of werknemers in die sector?

Het antwoord zit een beetje verborgen in de titel die politici nog wel eens willen dragen ... volksvertegenwoordiger. Niet belangenverenigingenvertegenwoordiger.

Same with 3900. Her lack of utility becomes even more apparent, and all those damn Dva's ...

And just between you and me ... Of all ranks i've been in/played against, high masters / low gm teammates get by far the most mean when you don't switch to bap/meta-healer (since you simply can't play them at that rank. Just ... real nasty shit that cuts deep. Way worse than the usual dpsmoira blabla no heals stuff.)


Every time you think that you can heal your team for the next 8 seconds while using only your primary fire (M1), use a damage orb instead of a healing orb. Aim it at their support.

Switch continuously between M1 (heal) and M2 (damage grasp). Spray your team with the heal (ideally short bursts), and while the lingering heal-over-time continues to heal them, you spend 2 seconds damaging the enemy with M2. And repeat. Doing damage kills them and recharges your heal-meter. Use a healing/damage orb according to the balance between the health of the two teams. (your team overall has less health? heal orb. More health than the enemy? damage orb.) Basically, use your orbs either to minimise a disadvantage in overall-team-health (throw heal) or to maximise/increase an advantage in overall-team-health (throw damage).

Fade is one of the best life-saving abilities in-game, and that should ALWAYS be the primary goal for which it's used: to save your scrawny ass from dying. Secondarily though, it's also great to save teammates who are in big trouble (you're next to them in one second to heal them) and even to pressure / chase near-death-enemies. How aggressive your Fade use can be mainly depends on their counters. There are a few that can (and if they're good, also will) seriously wreck you if they notice your fade is on cooldown (think winston/doom/genji). I love me some no-fade-moira's when playing Winston.

Orb angles. Just watch some billiards or pool on ESPN6 or something. Incoming angle, outgoing angle. Basic maths.

Fadejumps ... meh, won't really need those till (grand)masters. Fun to practise a bit, but don't get too hung up on it.

Positioning. Ideally, stand somewhere where you can heal your team, but where the enemy can't kill you. Use natural cover as much as possible. Try to stick with your other support while also staying in range of your maintank. If you use fade to save yourself, fade towards a position where they cant or wont hunt you down.

Peeling. Keep your other support alive and damage anyone who tries to kill them. If it's a stupid DPS, destroy them. Preferably, have enemy flankers first come after you (since you have fade and a heal orb) to keep them from your other support (unless its brig <3).

Meta-advice: consider switching when Dva eats all your orbs. I never do, but it probably should be said. Sure, there are some other counters to watch out for, but Dva can really cripple you. Besides, since you have fade, you're kinda always in less danger than your other support. (side-note to all players; when a Moira says 'hey team, that doom is killing our backline, please help', she kinda means 'I can totally stay alive myself, fade ftw, but we can't stop him from destroying ana/zen and jumping back'.)

Ult-usage. I'd say the goal would be to melt an enemy squishy (preferably a support, but any will do, ult-value-wise) while also healing teammates. Line up those targets. Throw an orb just before you ult. And try not to save your ult too long.

Best overall tip: Like u/F-I-R-E-B-A-L-L said, stay alive. Dead Moira's don't do anything.

Youtube moira guides by pro-players / t500's / coaches? Yes, those are neat. Watch those.

10k healing in 10minutes is nice though. That's a solid stat even for a diamond moira. Dunno what your damage numbers are, but usually my rule of thumb for 'having done a decent job, stat-wise' is: 1k heal/min or more (in some games and comps, its really easy to push 1.5k or even 2k /min. I tend to keep 1k as a minimum guideline), and about 500-800 damage per minute (usually 600-700). Don't forget tho; stats give a very one-dimensional view of your performance.


Deaths. Fade is OP and should save you 90 out of a 100 dangerous situations. So ideally, you should only really die when your team is dead and the teamfight is totally lost. This next part is only about those situations. Again, if something tries to kill just you during the teamfight, use fade and positioning to prevent that. So ... If those '(impending) teamdeaths' happen, you can choose to either 1) die fast so you respawn along with your team. Just fade to payload/point, or right in their backline trying to take their ana/zen with you. You'll die fast enough. Or 2) use fade to save yourself and join with the first respawning teammate, while denying the enemy ult charge. Both options are fine. Sure, 2 is better, but 1 is still fine. The whole team died anyway, you guys lost that fight. The only really bad thing you can do concerning those '(impending) teamdeaths', is to try to get away with fade, get hunted down, and still die. Now you're respawning much later than your teammates. In the best case, your maintank (and thus also the rest of the team) has to wait for you, to engage the enemy again. Worse case, your tank doesn't wait, goes in, can't get enough healing since you're not there yet, and dies again. Totally completely-screwed-case, all other teammates also trickle in one by one and also die, and now your team is full-on staggering. Since 'grouping up and going in as a team' is really one of the very hardest things to do with 6 individuals, you respawning a lot later than the rest has a real chance of causing those mayor game-losing staggers. They really do. Like, those 'ow we only got to contest the payload 2 times during our defense round' situations. That stuff happens all the time when a Moira causes delays or even staggers, with her stretched out will-she/wont-she deaths. That's really really really bad. Big no-no. So yeah, don't do that.


Richtlijnen van het OM:

Categorie 1 : 2 weken tot 6 maanden gevangenisstraf

Er lijken geen LOVS richtlijnen (Oriëntatiepunten voor straftoemeting en 'Landelijk Overleg Vakinhoud Strafrecht'-afspraken) te zijn bij aanranding van een minderjarige door een volwassene. Wél is er een LOVS richtlijn wanneer een minderjarige, een andere minderjarige aanrandt. Daarvoor is de richtlijn (nogmaals, wanneer de dader zelf ook minderjarig is) 120 taakstraf. (pagina 37).

Dus deze 25-jarige vrouw heeft, buiten die ene dag celstraf, dezelfde straf gekregen als een tiener volgens de gerechtelijke richtlijnen zou krijgen.

Verder ... Het OM eiste 3 maanden. Kunnen die reddit-ers dan wel gewoon stellen dat ze vertrouwen hebben in de expertise van het OM en daarom de discrepantie tussen 1 dag (+120 uur ts) en 3 maanden nogal groot vinden? Of heet dat dan ook 'de onderbuik'?

Nouja, eh ... Het oordeel van de rechter en dat van de OvJ over wat een gepaste straf is, liggen ook nogal ver uit elkaar. 1 dag gevangenisstraf + 120 uur taakstraf versus 3 maanden gevangenisstraf. En we mogen hopelijk aannemen dat dat beiden experts zijn.

Dus om dan maar te impliceren dat iedereen in dit topic die het niet met de gerechtelijke uitspraak eens is, dat doet vanuit de onderbuik, is ook een beetje kort door de bocht.

Alsjeblieft. De richtlijn van het OM aangaande het seksueel misbruik (waaronder aanranding) van minderjarigen. Categorie 1: 2 weken tot 6 maanden gevangenisstraf.

Er lijken geen LOVS richtlijnen (Oriëntatiepunten voor straftoemeting en 'Landelijk Overleg Vakinhoud Strafrecht'-afspraken) te zijn bij aanranding. Wél is er een LOVS richtlijn wanneer een minderjarige, een andere minderjarige aanrandt. Daarvoor is de richtlijn (nogmaals, wanneer de dader zelf ook minderjarig is) 120 taakstraf. (pagina 37).

Dus deze 25-jarige vrouw heeft, buiten die ene dag celstraf, dezelfde straf gekregen als een tiener volgens de gerechtelijke richtlijnen zou krijgen.


Koning Willem-Alexander heeft geen aandelen van bedrijven die het predicaat koninklijk voeren. Dat staat sinds vandaag op de website van het Koninklijk Huis. Het impliceert dat de koning ook geen aandelen heeft van de Koninklijke Shell, waarover al geruime tijd geruchten de ronde doen.

Volgens een woordvoerder van de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst is de zin over de aandelen toegevoegd om "tegemoet te komen aan de onduidelijkheid die erover bestond". Zo riep PvdA-Kamerlid Nijboer de koninklijke familie begin dit jaar op om opening van zaken te geven over de eventuele belangen in Shell. Aanleiding voor de oproep was de rol van Shell bij de gaswinning in Groningen.

'Niet nieuw'

Dat Willem-Alexander geen aandelen van 'koninklijke' bedrijven bezit, is volgens de RVD-woordvoerder "geen recente ontwikkeling". Hij wil niet zeggen of dit in het verleden wél het geval is geweest.

Volgens Koninklijk Huis-verslaggever Karin Alberts ligt de conclusie voor de hand dat de toevoeging iets te maken heeft met Koningsdag, volgende week vrijdag. Willem-Alexander en zijn gevolg zijn dan in Groningen.

"Veel Groningers vinden dat Shell het predicaat koninklijk niet meer verdient omdat het betrokken is bij de gaswinning, en daarmee medeschuldig is aan de aardbevingen", zegt Alberts. "Tijdens Koningsdag wordt in het programma ook aandacht besteed aan de gevolgen van de aardbevingen. Door nu vast impliciet te zeggen dat de koning geen financiële belangen heeft in Shell, voorkomt hij eventuele verwijten. Overigens staat niet op de website dat andere leden van het Koninklijk Huis geen aandelen hebben."

Dus er is niets expliciet ontkend over enige aandelen van de Oranjes in Shell.

Edit: Fijn dat je me meteen downvote. Leer eerst zelf het verschil tussen impliciet en expliciet eens. Ik nam daadwerkelijk de moeite om jouw link te lezen.

Zitten de Oranjes niet voor een paar procent in Shell?