I’ll always need my yearly Minecraft fix.

You’re a legend, thank you so much.

When starting out, don’t think about the monetary value of it. Take the next 1-3 years studying and back testing strategies. Test theories with whatever amount of capital that you’re 100% okay with losing. If you test with unrealistic money you’ll find yourself getting numb to the numbers on the screen. And especially since there is no skin in the game it’s very easy to get false confidence. Finding a strategy that works for you is just the tip of the ice berg. The reason why over 90% of traders fail is because of emotion and mentality. The hardest part to master is discipline and sticking to your strategy and not revenge trade. I discovered the financial market journey at the same age, it’s a blessing. Don’t let it go to waste. You got this💪

First episode hooked me instantly, phenomenal show.

From my calculation via retina scale it’s at 24.691

Any Chasing the Golden Hour - Griz

What did you do to grind that?

I’m looking for an extra

If you have Apple Music it breaks down his Space Camp set night 1 into individual songs and it’s “ID4” just FYI!!