How is this show cancelled? Dan was a big Jets dick but that’s no reason to cancel them!

If you have to ask questions like this it probably isn’t going very well huh? Don’t ask Reddit, though. 

It’s the writers thinking they’re creating by a clever allegory for the defund the police crowd. is this the inflammatory answer you were searching for?

I feel like weird personal vague anecdotes are not what they want but here we are with the 2nd highest upvoted comment. 

lol lots of student loan smooth brains. If you’re not smart enough to identify what loans are maybe you’re not smart enough for college. Or just pay back what you promised to pay? I paid my shit- so can you. 

What the fuck did I just read for 6 seconds and gave up and then commented?

We’re calling that a lackluster performance. The dude looks like he shouldn’t be driving a car. 

My life is honestly better than I ever imagined it could be. Just work hard and get off the internet. 

Dude, Reddit is crazy liberal and they fucking hate Elon right now. 

Can’t wait for all of them to defect when they get to Ukraine.