Just bought our an Arcadia Trail harness and the chest adjustment is very slick so it keeps loosening up almost immediately. I'm hoping once it gets dirty it'll stick and stay at the smallest setting because otherwise it fits my dog. So annoying. I've had success with the Kong poop bag harnesses like another commenter said, they do tend to run big though.

My SO insisted on a robo vacuum and in turn I insisted on it never being run while I'm home. Not to mention it's terrible at getting the edges of spaces and literally takes twice as long as me with a broom to clean the same area. Vacuums and anything with those types of motors are the bane of existence lol.

Zone 5a, Northern Appalachian Highlands Ecoregion

The saying for perennials is the first year they sleep, the next year they creep and the third year they leap. It may have just been its time. But I noticed last year's endless rain seemed to help this years growth immensely.

My thyme didn't get that memo and is taking over and invading past its (very small in retrospect) spot I gave it two years ago.

For oranges I said F that to using my fingernail (I'm usually eating them at work and I can't get the orange stain off easily).

I use a fork to pierce parallel to the end of it and kind of rip the peel off that way. Does that make sense? It gets the ends opened up so I can peel it without using my fingernail, usually just the side of my thumb.

It's been the norm for so long though that customers should know to go to the register. If it isn't explicitly signed as closed, put your stuff down. Then if a cashier hasn't appeared out of the woodworks of the 47 other tasks assigned to them within 30-45 seconds announce a polite "I'm ready to check out". Staff have way too much to do and customers act like waiting 15 seconds is absolutely unacceptable.

After being passed by the first one or two customers you'd have thought he'd figure it out 🤦 I've been in that guy's position before and instead of complaining I realized I had missed the obvious and fixed it.

Zone 5a, Northern Appalachian Highlands Ecoregion

I have dwarf cinquefoil taking over any open ground and spreading into the lawn, ironically it jumped the driveway from the far garden bed into the lawn and as of yet hasn't spread into the original garden that runs the whole width of the lawn. I love yellow flowers and I'm happily letting it take over while I plan my next additions.

Zone 5a, Northern Appalachian Highlands Ecoregion


Found this guy chilling in the freshly watered grass after a hot day.

On top of the washer, we only do laundry once a week so it's not really in the way. If I haven't worn it again by the time laundry day rolls around I wash it, as long as it fits in The One Load. F doing more than one load of clothes a week, I downsized my wardrobe just for that reason.

It's annoying AF. Customer wanted US to do the shopping, that's why they did the online order.

I'm not in the salon but I hear plenty of stories. I guess ours is pretty tame because I've never had a stylist/bather tell me about this particular issue, just the usual, heavily matted doodle in for a complete shave down (but keep as much length as possible please 🙄🙄)

My bather was asking me when my dog could come in, recent neuter and dewclaw removal. Like a month because of the staples. Never would I have thought to SOAK him with a fresh wound. Would you do that to your own wound???

Yep. Hours are atrocious across the board. I've only been with PS for four years and in that time the hours have only gotten less and less. And yeah, they want management to keep hiring to "to make sure we have full coverage". So instead of giving Suzy Day Cashier 30 hours a week and make her close occasionally, they'll give her 15 hours and not even make it a consistent shift schedule so she can get a second job. Not how you retain people but what do I know I'm no CFO 🙃

Definitely could! I have a forsythia planted by my late mom, it's close to the electric meter on the house and I prune the house facing side regularly but I'm in the northeast where I have a long dormant season and plants only grow so much in 5-6 months of 50⁰+.

Young kids (busy lives), subtropical climate, how close to the road and sign specifically, not to mention the size it can clearly get to (which might still yet get bigger) lead to my suggestion of moving it if they want the mature bush or removing it entirely.

Get Dig Safe out to your house, it looks like you have a water main nearby. I would just relocate it 3-4'+ back from the road the root ball is right next to the street so you can prune it but you'd likely have to prune it every year to keep it in check.

What?? 😮 Thankfully I don't eat fast food very often (literally would have to go out of my way between work/home which in itself seems unlikely in America lol) but I'm definitely going to check the places I do occasionally end up at!

Exactly, I work for a large corporation but the actual staff in house is fairly small, I know everyone's name and generally if there is a dietary restriction, mine, everyone else can eat anything. The only other person with restrictions left recently. That being said, I always write out the full ingredients list/recipe so everyone knows what they're getting and can make it themselves. I ain't about that recipe gatekeeping life lol

Late teens/early 20s. I also had an incredibly stressful childhood and death of a parent when I was 21...so yeah that'll do that to you.

I don't really care. I finally have enough money to color my hair on a regular basis so I'm living my best poison dart frog life trying on new colors every few months. Even if I had to stop for whatever reason, it's just hair 🤷

Never had AC as a kid, just huge windows that we'd close in the heat of day and open wide at night. I'm also in the northeast so summers really are mild along with living in the middle of the woods it's always 7-10⁰F cooler where I am vs in town.

Winter time however...I'd happily set it at 70⁰, my SO insists on it being 67-68⁰ and that's "a compromise" he'd set it more like 65⁰ if I wasn't here 😑

He also insisted on having an AC unit installed, and wants it set at like 65⁰. So now I'm freezing nine or ten months out of the year.

owner/not a dog groomer

Mine was a rescue, had all four dew claws. His fronts are firm and tight to his leg. The backs were loose and floppy but I had them removed during his neuter to prevent an even more expensive emergency trip somewhere down the line.

owner/not a dog groomer

I never thought about this as a possibility 🥹 I live in the woods and my pup is thankfully short haired and just needs some brushing to keep up with his double coated shed. I had his rear dew claws removed so he wouldn't rip them off in the woods/underbrush somewhere.

I would never blame the groomer, matting is a difficult and stressful situation for everyone involved and you're just doing the best you can.

I like to have a few night lights around the house, they have automatic light sensors and my particular style has a swivel to direct the light better. Maybe kitty would appreciate that

Occasionally my cats will meow right after we turn off all the lights and it sounds more like a distressed yowl. The best I could figure was, they were sleeping in the living room with us and the next thing they know the lights are off and we're gone (to bed). We call them to the bedroom (it's usually only one or the other when it happens) and they either come and settle with us or at least stop meowing.

Every cat is different, so it might be a bit of trial and error unfortunately.

I have an incredibly vocal cat, he'll scream and run into the closest room with a carpet and keep meowing until you follow him and pat his butt. I think he wants individual attention? His brother is a purring machine that doesn't mind getting picked up so he unintentionally gets more attention unless the vocal one yells for it.

Does he meow and run somewhere? Maybe he's trying to tell you something. It took me a while to realize my vocal guy wanted me to follow him for ass pats on the nearest rug lol. He'll also linger near the spots where toys go missing - has he lost any toys recently?